Chapter 39: I know you're in there

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Steve carried Y/N down to the holding cells alongside Vision who was carrying Bucky in the same fashion, in a locked brace over his shoulder. The walk down was silent now that the alarms had gone off and everyone on the team was trying to process what had just happened. Other than being worried about Y/N and what happened to them, they all had the same question in mind.

Why Nat?

No one had a clue, but the HYDRA agent now locked in a cell that was completely separate from where Bucky and Y/N would be staying could possibly answer it. Tony was already reaming him with questions while Rhodey worked with Sam on securing the area around the compound and finding out how they'd gotten through.

Y/N and Bucky were put in cells that were in rooms directly across from each other. Keeping them close would help if anything went south. The team would be able to lock down that floor and keep them both in the same area.

About 15 minutes after Steve sat Y/N down in their cell and strapped them into the seat, they began waking back up while still completely under the control of HYDRA. They looked around the cell, looking at each bolt that screwed them into the chair and locked them in this cell. I'm sure there's a way out of here, they thought.

When Yelena turned around and noticed that they'd started waking up, she shot over to the glass to meet their gaze, "Oh-OH! They're awake! Wanda! Come over here!" She yelled over to the cell that Bucky was in. It had taken a bit more force to lock him in as he'd woken up just when Vision sat him down in the chair. Luckily, they'd figured it out and Wanda was able to run over to Y/N's cell. 

Neither spoke as they looked at Y/N. The two studied their face, noticing that it was still very detached. All Y/N knew was that they needed to get to their target and would do anything to break from the bands around them to get there.

Unfortunately for them, Wanda was sifting through their thoughts as they had them. She could see every plan they were brewing up, including one that would play into Yelena's emotions so that she would let them out.

"Yelena..." She said as she leaned over to whisper in her ear, "You need to be careful. That's still not Y/N, but whoever it is knows that they're a weakness of yours."

Hearing Wanda say this felt offensive, but she swallowed hard knowing that it was true. All she felt at the moment was weak. She was consistently praying nonstop that they'd come out of this.

"What are we supposed to do? How are we going to get through to Y/N? I know they're in there Wanda... I saw it. I'm not crazy, I swear," She said as she turned to look back at them.

Y/N couldn't hear anything they were saying, all they knew was that they looked stressed. However, as they studied their faces more and more, they saw a memory that didn't feel like theirs.

Yelena's face flashed through, smiling brightly as she looked over at them while they laid on the grass under the stars. She was admiring Y/N. The memory subsided quickly, but they couldn't let go of it now. Who is that? They thought. Whose memory was that?

As they shook off that memory and refocused themselves on the mission, they heard a voice come over the speaker in their cell. Wanda had stepped over to the button that activated a microphone outside of the cell. Anyone in the room would be able to speak and they'd hear it.

"Y/N?" She asked but they didn't respond. HYDRA had trained them to only go by their last name. Hearing them called by their first name was just like calling someone by the wrong name to them while under their brainwashing.

"Hello," She tried again, finally catching their attention, "Who are you?" Wanda asked, trying to figure out if it was in fact Y/N or someone else that had taken them over. The team was used to Loki's tricks and didn't think it was too far off to assume someone else could enter Y/N's brain to control them.

They did not respond to her question, but they did keep eye contact with her. 

"Their eyes look... dead," Yelena whispered over to Wanda, trying to cover the crack in her voice.

As Wanda took a deep breath in, she tried once more, "What are you here for?"

This time, Y/N's eyes narrowed while they tilted their head, "Agent Romanoff," They responded with a thick Russian accent. Hearing this accent threw both Yelena and Wanda off, but Wanda continued on anyways.

"Why are you here for her?" She asked.

Y/N laughed through a quick breath from their nose, "She is my target," They responded with that same accent flowing through.

Yelena shook her head, unable to comprehend how this even happened. She hadn't heard any of the trigger words that Wanda repeated back to them. All she knew was one thing, Y/N's demeanor changed when she pinned them down and had them only focus on her.

"Wanda, can you give me the room for a minute?" She asked.

Completely shocked at the idea of leaving her alone, Wanda started "What- Are you insane? I don't think-"

"I'll be fine. I held my own upstairs. They're bolted into a chair that is inside a cell that's bolted shut. Just... let me try," She begged.

It took a few seconds of thinking through the scenarios that could take place, but Wanda nodded just before stepping outside, "I'll be right outside the door in case anything happens."

Yelena breathed out, thankful that Wanda was allowing her to go through with her plan. Y/N's eyes followed Wanda out before returning them back to Yelena. Being alone with her made them to think back to that memory, causing them to shake their head trying to rid it from their brain.

She caught wind of this but wasn't aware why they were doing it. Before talking, she just studied Y/N for a minute. Looking over each of their features. The cell wasn't too big, so they were just barely four feet apart.

The microphone was still on when she went to speak, "I know you're in there and I know you recognize me."

Y/N did recognize them, but they were still not sure why and didn't want to find out. Focusing on her took them away from their mission, their target. As they looked down and away from her to try and refocus, another memory flashed through.

This time they saw her in a bedroom. She had leaned in and placed a lingering kiss on their cheek. This memory was also quick but continued replaying a few times as they shook their head again to try and rid themselves of it.

She started again, "You know who I am. You just have to look at me," But they wouldn't. Looking at her distracted them and they knew what happened when they got distracted. The reminders were painted across their back.

Before giving them space so that she didn't overwhelm them, she left them with one last thing. Taking a big deep breath in, she tried the one thing she'd said that almost brought them back last time.

"I love you, Y/N."

It felt as though a shock had jolted through their entire body, but they didn't show it. Another memory flew through, this time she was cuddled up to them early in the morning placing kisses all over their face. Seeing this caused them to loosen their jaw slightly, but in realizing that they refused to look up.

She cannot see this, they thought, she cannot see you break. Focus on your mission, soldier.

And they did just that. Y/N did not look up, but they were unable to kick these memories from their head now. They were replaying in their head like a movie. 

God dammit, who the fuck is she? They thought as they watched her walk out of the room, closing the door behind her.

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