Chapter 20: Back in action

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A few days had now passed since Y/N and Yelena's date. They'd spent a lot of their time watching movies, cooking new foods, and searching for shooting stars. Luckily, they had been able to do this all uninterrupted as most things had gone back to normal. Wanda acted as though neither of them existed, which Y/N was more than happy about.

It was now the morning of the next mission and the team was gathering in the conference room to run over the plan.

"Alright, that's everyone's position. We should be back by tomorrow evening if everything goes smoothly. Any questions?" Tony asked. It seemed as though everyone understood their assignments as no one had any questions. They all boarded the Quinjet and headed for Botswana. 

Everyone found their seats easily, but Yelena and Y/N had boarded last which left them with only one set of seats to choose from. Unfortunately, for this 16-hour flight, they would be sat directly across from Wanda and Vision.

"Jesus Christ, of course," Y/N muttered to Yelena under their breath, "How'd we get so lucky?"

She laughed in response as she bumped them with her shoulder, "Shut up, it'll be fine. Steve told me you sleep most of the time you're on planes anyway."

Their face dropped, "I do not! Not... always. Not every time," They finished as they rolled their eyes.

Within the first 30 minutes of the flight, Y/N had in fact fallen asleep with their head rested softly on Yelena's shoulder. 

"I told you," Steve mouthed to her as they laughed while he mocked Y/N sleeping with their mouth wide open.


Surprisingly, Y/N had slept nearly the entire flight while only waking up for the last hour. While they were lucky enough to avoid any tension with Wanda, Yelena was subjected to a few insolent stares from her as they slept.

"For someone with a boyfriend, she sure does have an issue with their ex's new girlfriend," Yelena stated. Y/N tried their best to hide the fact that they had just choked on their water at the sound of Yelena calling them their girlfriend.

Have we gotten that far? They thought. Is it just expected? Oh god, oh shit.

Their mind was racing and quickly drifting away, but Nat's voice quickly brought them back to reality, "I'm not sure if it's that or the fact that you recently held a gun to her forehead."

Yelena laughed as she nodded, "Good point."

A loud roar took over the Quinjet as the landing gear descended just before touching down. Though they usually have a bit of a stay during missions, this one was to be quick. As soon as they stepped off the jet, the team was to be ready in position.

"Y/N, are you ready?" Tony asked before the whole team.

As they all looked to him, Y/N moved their focus to their Uncle Steve who they would be fighting right next to for the first time in years.

"Ready as I'll ever be," They responded. With that, the team headed for the city to meet with King T'Challa and his advisors.

T'Challa was alongside Okoye when the team arrived, "Great to see you, Mr. Stark. We don't have much time to catch up though as Okoye just got report that their lead agent is on the move to their next placement."

Steve stepped forward, bringing Y/N up with him, "Where are we headed?" He asked.

"Okoye will take you two to your positions to focus on Jack Walters, the lead agent. The rest of you will come with me to the base where the rest of the soldiers and operatives are located," T'Challa answered.

The team quickly split to go to their respective places. Okoye took Steve and Y/N down to the bottom floor where the Dora Milaje were keeping an eye on Walters.

"He's making his way out now, you need to get down here with them," Okoye heard Ayo state over her earpiece. She ushered the two down the steps to the hall right next to the door that Walters was working to head out of.

Light footsteps started at the end of the hall and began to get louder as they got closer. Walters could be heard talking with one of his operatives, "I'll be heading out to the next station to work with the new experimentees. I hear we have some that resemble the Maximoff twins."

Hearing the statement about Wanda and her late brother Pietro spiked Y/N's blood pressure immediately, "We're going in," they stated.

"Y/N, wait! Wait!" Steve yelled as he followed them into the hall. They were met with Walters' shocked expression before it turned into a sinuous smirk.

"Ah, Steve Rogers and Y/N Y/L/N. Long time no see," Walters stated.

In seconds, Y/N had him by his collar questioning where they were heading next. When they were met with just a laugh, they slammed him into the closest wall, bashing his head off the bricks.

Their eyes were focused on his face, searching for any bit of information he might give by slipping up. Y/N tightened their grip around their collar, choking Walters to the point that he began to turn a bright red.

"You will speak and you will tell us exactly where you're going," They repeated.

Though Steve wanted to step in as he noticed how personal Y/N was taking this but he could see that Walters was breaking. Steve was faced with the challenge of either pulling them off or allowing them to continue questioning him.

Y/N slammed him against the wall again. This time it was hard enough to show that there were now lines of blood dripping down the wall behind him. They had slammed him so hard and so much that he was now beginning to lose consciousness.

At the sight of Walters eyes beginning to grow glossy, Steve made his decision to step in, pushing Y/N off of him, "Y/N! You're losing him. You need to get a hold of yourself!"

While Steve was working to calm them down, Ayo and Okoye heard over her earpiece a statement from T'Challa, "One down. The witch is down," he stated.

Without realizing who he was talking about, Ayo repeated the message to Steve and Y/N before Okoye could stop her.

Just as Steve had brought Y/N down from their meltdown, they spiked again quickly, "WHO!?" They yelled before taking off toward where the team was stationed.

"Y/N! Wait!" Steve yelled out after them.

I will murder every single HYDRA agent in this fucking building, they thought, and I won't regret a single drop of blood spilled.

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