Chapter 4: Moonlight talks

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Yelena led Y/N out the back doors of the dining room and then down over the hill. They were just far enough to see the compound but not have the outside lights cloud the sky.

"Whoa, these stars are amazing. How did I never know about this spot before?" Y/N asked while searching the stars for as many constellations as they could find all while Yelena was studying their face.

"For someone who loves the stars, I'm surprised you didn't know about it either," She replied before joining Y/N in finding some constellations.

Both Yelena and Y/N laid on the ground to ease the muscles in their neck from looking up for so long. With only a foot or two between them, the two found themselves falling into easy conversations after realizing their common love for the night sky.

Y/N pointed up at Orion, "There! I finally found it. Ah, sorry, continue. I just had to show you before I lost it again." They both laughed.

"That's okay, but yeah I haven't been here very long. Nat was reluctant to tell everyone about me, but I understood. Once they knew, Tony invited me to visit. I trained with everyone the morning before I was supposed to leave, but I must have impressed them enough to ask me to stay." Yelena responded as her head fell slightly in Y/N's direction.

Their head fell toward Yelena's as well before responding, "I was surprised to hear that Nat had a sister, but now that you've caught me up, I can understand why she'd never brought it up."

Yelena rolled over and rested her head on her arm that was folded under, "I can't say that I was always the most understanding, but we're over it now. I'm just glad I'm here..." She trailed off.

"Glad I got to meet you." Yelena finished as Y/N looked over at her smiling.

Y/N didn't respond immediately but instead, let their eyes slowly look over Yelena and how she was laid a bit closer than she was originally. The gap between them had closed by about a foot, leaving just inches between them.

When Y/N's eyes met her face again, Yelena's eyes were still set in place and making eye contact with Y/N. The pair smiled as they both allowed their eyes to drift down to each others' lips. Before letting themselves linger there for too long, Y/N looked back up at the stars.

"I'm glad I got to meet you as well. It's getting pretty cold out here. Ready to head inside?" Y/N asked.

Yelena smiled as she nodded.

Y/N stood before placing their hands down to help Yelena stand up. The momentum from Y/N pulling upward caused her to come toward them quicker than expected, leaving their faces just barely inches apart.

Yet again their eyes met each others' lips, but this time the distance began to close slightly. Y/N quickly realized that the pair weren't completely sober and didn't feel comfortable letting anything happen like this.

They looked up to meet Yelena's eyes and pulled back, "Let's get you inside. You can show me where you stay."

You can show me where you stay, Y/N thought, nice one- idiot.

Yelena roped her arm around Y/N's as they walked back up to the compound together. The two weren't sober, but just a bit tipsy. As they walked, they bumped each other back and forth which caused them to laugh quite a bit.

They went back in through the dining room and up to the bedrooms. Yelena's room was close to Nat's, which was at the opposite end of the hall from Steve and Y/N's.

"This is yours?" Y/N asked once they got to the door that Yelena had pointed to and she shook her head.

"Would you like to come in and see it?" She asked.

Y/N took a deep breath and tried to think hard, but quickly. Yelena's statement didn't seem like it had any intent behind it, but they just wanted to be cautious and respectful.

"Yeah, absolutely," Y/N responded. Smooth, real smooth, they thought.

Yelena stepped ahead of Y/N and opened the door to her room. It looked rather similar to Y/N's but with light purple walls and tons of plants. She caught Y/N's eyes widen when they saw just how many there were.

"You're judging me," Yelena said through a laugh as she dropped her mouth.

Y/N looked quickly back to her, "No! I'm not, I swear. I've just never seen this many plants in one room," They laughed, "You'll have to help me pick some good ones for mine... and help me keep them alive."

The two laughed as Y/N led Yelena over to lay down in her bed, "Hold on, I have to change," She stated as she let go of Y/N's arm and walked quickly over to her closet.

While she changed, Y/N looked over her nightstand that had pictures and jewelry placed neatly. They picked up a picture of them and Nat that seemed like it might be from their childhood.

"Is this you and Nat as kids?! Oh my god, you two were adorable," Y/N said while still looking over the picture.

"Thank you, I know I was," Yelena responded causing Y/N to laugh a little before she returned to their side.

She grabbed the picture from their hands and pointed at the trees in the back, "If you look closely, you can see the forest stars."

Y/N's head turned quickly toward her, "The what?"

Yelena laughed, "Forest stars, or whatever you might call them. Fireflies?"

They looked down at the picture before returning their eyes back to Yelena's innocent face, "Forest stars... I like that." They smiled while watching her smile grow as well.

It was nearing two in the morning at this point and Y/N knew that they should get down to their room. They sat the picture back on Yelena's nightstand and pulled her cover back for her.

"I'll see you in the morning. If I'm not up, you can come grab me for breakfast if you'd like," Y/N told her. Yelena grabbed their hand lightly and leaned in next to their face before softly planting a kiss on Y/N's cheek.

A warm sensation grew causing their cheeks to blush, which made Yelena's smile grow even bigger, "Goodnight, Y/N."

"Goodnight, Yelena," They responded before pulling the comforter over her and heading to the door. Y/N waved before heading out the door as she scooted down into her bed.

As they closed the door behind them, Y/N rested their back on her door and smiled as they reflected on the past night. In the middle of reminiscing, Y/N was quickly brought back to their senses when they heard the door diagonal from Yelena's open. 

Y/N was met with Wanda's confused expression as she stepped out of her room, "Y/N? What are you doing?"

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