Chapter 12: Never uninterrupted

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The next day passed quickly for not only Y/N but the team as well. Their mission was finishing up quickly and setting them up to be home by midnight. Y/N was alone the entire day as Wanda refused to leave her room.

(1 min ago) Yelena:

"We're almost done!!! I can't
wait to see you tonight."

(Just now) Y/N:

"Yay! I hope the Quinjet kicks
into superspeed and gets
you all back early!"

Y/N spent most of their day running over how they were going to talk to Yelena about what had happened. They had texted with Steve earlier in the day, but of course, he said exactly what they did not want to hear. 

(7 min ago) Uncle Steve:

"You have to talk to her about
it. I know you know this, but it
isn't fair for her to be left in the
dark about what's going on with
you and Wanda.

(Just now) Y/N:

"God, I really hate when you're
right, you know that? I'm just
nervous... but I'll talk to her and
I'll keep you updated."


The sound of the Quinjet landing on the roof woke Y/N from a short nap they had just fallen into. When they realized that it was the team that had finally arrived, Y/N sprinted up to the roof to meet them as the door opened. 

Yelena was the first one to step foot off the plane and was more than excited to see Y/N already there waiting for them with a big smile on their face and arms open ready for a hug.

"Oh my god, Y/N I MISSED YOU!" She said jumping into their arms as they laughed.

Y/N pulled her in tightly, "I missed you! Where are Nat and Steve?" They asked.

Before she could answer, Y/N saw them step off the jet, "Hey! How was it? How did it go?"

Nat whipped her head around and smiled, "Y/N! Hey! It was good. We cleared the HYDRA base and got a good amount of intel on some other bases we can get to," She said as she pulled them into a quick hug.

"Hopefully, by the next mission, you'll be cleared to go with us," Steve added.

Y/N huffed out a breath remembering last night's events and how they wished they would've been anywhere but on the compound last night, "Yeah, I hope so too. I'm gonna have to talk to Tony to find out what I have to do before being allowed in the field again."

Yelena grabbed Y/N's hand and began pulling them toward the elevator, "Let's go to my room. I want to catch up and tell you about the mission!"

They waved to Nat and Steve as Yelena dragged them down to her room. She didn't say much on the way but seemed to be pulling Y/N quicker and quicker the closer they got to her room. Once they got to her door, she closed the door behind them and immediately pulled Y/N into a tight hug again.

She buried her head in Y/N's neck, causing them to pull her in tight and rub her back, "Man, you REALLY missed me, huh?" They asked as they laughed under their breath.

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