Chapter 18: I promise I'm trying

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Y/N opened their eyes to realize that they had fallen asleep and slept soundly through the evening into the night. When they rolled over to check their phone, they noticed that it was almost 11 pm. As they scrolled, they noticed that they had also missed a few texts.

(5:07 pm) Yelena:

"Are you okay? Can I come see you?"

(6:48 pm) Yelena:

"Just checking in.."

(10:14 pm) Yelena:

"I'm going to head to bed, but let me
know if you need anything. I'll keep
my phone on. Goodnight <3"

"Ugh, shit," Y/N thought. They'd slept so long and probably left her to just sit to worry about everything. Before responding, they scrolled to see another text they'd missed.

(4:30 pm) Natasha:

"Before you talk to Yelena, you need
to text me so I can see you. I know
you don't want to see anyone right
now, but just give me a call before
you talk to her."

"...That's weird," Y/N thought before answering.

(Just now) Y/N:

"I'm up if you want to come to my
room. I've been asleep since I got
back up here."

(Just now) Natasha:

"I'll be right up."

It didn't take her long to reach Y/N's room before knocking.

"You're good. Come in," They yelled out.

Natasha opened the door quietly and stepped in, closing it just as quietly behind her. It was dark in Y/N's room now since the sun had fully gone down. The only light in their room shone from the moon, which still made it difficult to see Natasha's face.

"What's going on? Is she okay?" Y/N asked as she sat down on their bed.

Nat turned to face them with a rather blank stare while she sifted through her thoughts, "She's.. fine. Worried about you. Worried about what you think of the situation earlier."

Y/N sat back in their bed, thinking about the events they were able to sleep off earlier. 

"She and I talked about what happened once I got her up to her room. She was furious with Wanda, but all I could think about was how quickly she snapped," Nat continued.

"Steve and I had talked about that too. Before I fell asleep I mean. Like I told him, I appreciated the sentiment. She knew how bothered I had been by some memories that had popped up for me and she must have just.. flipped. I don't know. I wanted to talk to her about it, but then I saw your text," Y/N stated.

Nat rubbed her temples as she recalled the events from the day, "Yeah.. Y/N, there's a lot about her that you're unaware of. I know there's probably a lot about you she doesn't know as well, but you should probably talk to her before things get more serious between the two of you."

By this time, Y/N had thrown themselves back on their bed and placed their hands over their eyes, "I just..." They started as tears started to form in their eyes, "I'm so scared, Nat. I've been working on all of this for the past year with my therapist but these triggers come on so randomly."

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