Chapter 47: It all makes sense

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"No," Y/N responded.

Shaken and confused by their response, Wanda begged again, "Y/N, you have to. Come on, we need you back. You can trust me, you know that."

They shook their head again, "No. I don't know if you're real and I'm not going back to HYDRA. They do this shit every time and I won't do it again. I won't and no one can make me," They responded as they pulled away from Wanda and leaned back against the wall.

"What can I make you do to believe it's me? To believe that this is all real and that you're actually here with us? With me?" She asked as she tried to keep the eye contact she'd had with them.

Unfortunately, Y/N refused to answer. The fear they were feeling was so strong that it was more compelling to follow than the idea of Wanda being there to help them. They rested their head on the wall and zoned back out as they had when she found them, causing Wanda to begin to worry again. She looked quickly back to Stephen who was still in his physical form.

Cursing herself, she tried to decide if she should ask for his help. You will thank me afterward, he had said. She stared down at Y/N, wracking her mind with ideas.

"What could he mean by that?" She asked herself, "What could I possibly thank him for?"

Without thinking further, she pulled them in again and held them close. This time, she'd gotten close enough to have their foreheads touching gently, which immediately sent her on a journey to a place that she never expected.

Almost as soon as they'd touched, the two shot backward and looked at each other in shock. Y/N looked over her, wondering what had just happened to them while Wanda was hit with a grand realization.

She was able to see the two of them in what seemed like a separate universe. It wasn't this astral dimension they were currently in together or their physical forms that were just a few feet behind them, it was a different place that she was unable to pinpoint and that she wasn't sure if she'd ever even been to. There, she'd seen herself and Y/N. 

In every universe, in every timeline, Y/N and Wanda were soulmates. Two people who would find each other in each lifetime, each timeline, each universe no matter what. Realizing this, she was finally able to understand the pull they'd always felt to each other and why it had always been so undeniably strong.

In this timeline and in this universe, the two would never be romantic but would in fact be platonic soulmates. Two people who would understand each other greater than others could ever possibly try to. Two people who would be there for the other no matter the price. 

When she saw this vision-like scene, it felt as though the weight of the world had just been taken from her shoulders. Everything she'd ever felt for them, every worry she'd ever had about their relationship, it all made sense. Y/N was her person, but only as a friend. That was in fact all they would ever be, friends.

She smiled as she looked at Y/N, feeling a new kind of love for them. One that was free of ego and pride. A love that was genuine and pure. She'd been released of the painful grip they'd had on her before and finally been able to open up to what the two had always been meant for. They would always push each other to grow and become the best versions of themselves that they could possibly become.

Which put her here and now in the astral dimension. She was being pushed forward into learning about herself, about her powers, about her ability to love. Y/N had done this for her and they didn't even know it.

As she came down from this high, she pulled them into another hug. This one being much softer, it radiated the feelings she was experiencing to Y/N. These feelings penetrated every inch of their being and before they knew it, Y/N had now known the same fate they were to experience here in this universe and timeline.

They pulled back again and scanned every inch of Wanda's face, finally able to understand everything that the two had been through together since the day they met on that mission back in Sokovia. The pain the two had always felt was because they were forcing something that was never supposed to happen, that never could happen.

"You saw it too?" She asked Y/N.

"Yeah," They smiled, "yeah I did. I can't say I'm surprised. It always felt like something was pulling us together. It just seems like we read the signs wrong all these years."

She shook her head as she looked at them, "You're my person. I always knew it, I just never knew why or how."

Y/N pulled her into one last hug, "We just always understood each other, but we were forcing a kind of love that was never going to work," They started, "and that's okay. Now we know and now we can just... be."

Wanda smiled as she hugged them back, "Yeah... we can just be."

There was a sense of relief that rained over them that neither could explain, only feel and relish in. The two were sitting together in the astral dimension, completely alone, and finally able to love each other the way they were meant to.

As friends.

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