Chapter 16: Out of the bag

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Y/N arrived at Yelena's room but hesitated to step inside. Their heart rate was picking up again and they could feel the small beads of sweat start to form at the hairline. 

Maybe she's not even here, they thought, maybe she's already gone. Please, god, please be gone already.

Y/N knocked lightly on the door and heard footsteps nearly immediately. Yelena opened the door within seconds of them knocking. The big smile on her face began to fade as she saw the anxiety that was running rampant in Y/N's eyes.

"Hey, hey. What's going on? Are you okay? Come in here," She put her hand at the small of their back and lead them to her bed.

They still felt no desire to talk about anything and felt like even trying while they felt like this would not end well, "Same thing. It's just getting worse right now," Y/N's eyes were quickly glancing at all the small things they could find in her rooms. 

All the red things, find all the red, Y/N thought to themselves, remember what Dr. Alex taught you.

"I'll be okay. I just need some time to breathe and get my mind off of everything," They said.

Yelena's eyebrows perked up quickly, "Well that's perfect! We're going to brunch, you should come. I think Nat said we're leaving in a few."

Their eyes were still tracing her room trying to find all things that were red. The more they focused on finding things, the less they thought about their time in the cell, "I would, but I forgot that I told Tony I would help him fix some parts of the new suit that he was making for Peter."

Her face dropped a bit knowing that nothing seemed to be getting through to Y/N. All she could do was lay her cheek on their shoulder as they tried to calm themselves down.

"I'm sure I will be better when you get back and we can finally catch that movie with Nat and Steve like we talked about. Sound like a plan?" Y/N said as they finally broke away from their search and met her eyes.

"Sounds like a date to me," Yelena responded with a wink.

Y/N nudged her with their elbow while they laughed, "Maybe not a date. I'd like the first one to be a bit more special honestly," they responded as they stood and placed a kiss on the tip of her nose, "I'll text you when Tony and I are finished."


"But sir come on! That would be so cool!" Peter pleaded, "Come on Y/N, I know you agree!"

"Oh no you're not bringing me into this one," Y/N replied as they laughed. Peter thought that the repulsor rays Tony put in his suits would be a perfect addition to his new ones.

Tony lifted his screwdriver to point it at Peter, "No, and if you ask me again I'm scrapping this entire suit," Though he was wreckless with his own suits, Tony always made sure that Peter's were completely safe before even letting him near them.

The three spent the next two hours fixing FRIDAY's voice activation and Instant Kill Mode. Once they were done, they went to Tony's office to look over some other projects he had planned to start once he finished this suit.

"And this one, I'm really excited for this one. It's actually for Pepper," Tony told them as he showed the two an outline for the safest, yet strongest, suit that he has created so far. It didn't have a lot of gadgets, beams, or rays because it was built for one sole purpose. Keep Pepper safe and alive, no matter the cost.

"Honestly Tony, this might be your best work yet. I'm excited to see it put into action," Y/N said, "but I've got to head upstairs to get ready for tonight."

Before they could leave, Peter whispered under his breath, "Are you not going to talk to them about it, Mr. Stark?"

Y/N's eyes squinted as they stopped in their tracks before reaching the door, "Talk to me about what?" they asked turning around to meet Tony's eyes that quickly darted to Peter, which seemed to note a sense of irritation.

He blew out a deep breath before responding, "Wanda came to me earlier," Before he could finish the sentence, Y/N could feel the anger begin to boil in their chest.

"She didn't want me to tell you, but she read your mind when she caught you in the hall earlier this morning," He stated.

Y/N threw their hand up to stop him from continuing, "She had no right to do that and I have nothing to talk about. I'm fine. Don't bring this up again."

It wasn't often that Tony and Y/N got into arguments, but any time they did it never ended well. Tony stood from his seat, placing his hands on his table as he cocked his head at Y/N.

"She just cares about you. WE care about you, Y/N. What she told me she saw... You should have told us," He stated.

The anxiety they had this morning was now replaced fully with seething anger, "I shouldn't have to tell anyone anything. That was personal and something that, even if I did want to talk about it, should have been disclosed on my own terms."

"You always do this, Y/N!" Tony exclaimed back, "You don't let any of us in when you're breaking and that's exactly what caused you to leave last time! You let it boil inside of you until you erupted, losing your girlfriend and your team!"

Though he was right, the reminder burned as it settled in the back of their throat, "You did not have to bring that up. I'm trying here, Tony. I'm doing my absolute best to grow-"

"Apparently you're not if you're still shutting everyone out," He responded with a cold tone, "We'll see you later. Thanks for your help today."

While Y/N was still surging with anger, the guilt of knowing that they still had more issues they hadn't faced yet was beginning to eat away at them. Without another word, they turned on their heel and out of his office.

When they reached the top of the stairs, they were met with Wanda's worried face once again.

Jesus fucking Christ, I'm going to lose my mind today, they thought.

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