Chapter 26: Where to next?

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As Yelena thought about what Y/N had confessed, she gripped their hands back a bit tighter. The tears that were forming in her eyes had fallen now.

She sniffled before starting, "You... Thank you, for one. Thank you for telling me that," She stopped for a second as she blinked back her tears, "But you know how I feel. Y/N, I was falling for you, I mean I still am, but you really hurt me. Seeing you not even an inch from Wanda's face sent me into a spiral..."

"I know, I know," They interjected.

Yelena shook her head, "No, you don't. I don't think you understood how deep I was falling for you. I was fully ready to commit to you. I was ready to dive headfirst into creating something with you just to watch it get crumbled by someone you used to date."

Y/N glanced down as they bit their cheek knowing that they had truly fucked up.

"But like I said, I am still falling for you. I don't know how to stop that. Even sitting here across from you is hard, because all I want is to jump into your arms and..." She trailed off, biting back what she wanted to say.

They moved their hands from hers and up her arms, "You can. We can go back. We can work through it. I just want you, Yelena."

She shook her head, pulling back slightly from them, "I don't think I can do that.. Not yet. I'm not ready."

Y/N rested their hands on her legs and grazed their thumbs across her thighs. She looked down to see their hands and intertwined her fingers with theirs.

"I'll wait," They said. She tried to interject, to tell them not to, but they interrupted, "I will wait, Yelena, because you're worth it. When I said I would walk to the ends of the universe for you, I meant it. I'll show you."

Yelena smiled as she looked down at their hands clasped in each others', "You're stupid," She said as she laughed.

"Yeah stupid in-" They stopped short as they realized what they were about to say.

In love? Was I just about to say that I'm in love with her? They thought to themselves.

She cocked her head at them as she waited for them to continue. Though she thought she knew what they would say, she wasn't completely sure.

"...Anyways, we all have a meeting with Stark, let's get down to the conference room." They said, changing the subject.

Yelena smiled and nodded as she stood, pulling them into a hug, "Thank you for talking to me."

They smiled as they pulled back to see her face. The two met eyes and glanced over each others' features. Y/N glanced down to her lips and back to her eyes, causing her to swallow hard and glance down to their lips as well.

Y/N began to inch forward until their noses were just barely brushing each other. As they went to press their lips against hers, she pulled away and stepped back.

Knowing that it was too soon, Y/N stepped back and let go of her hands, "Let's go," They stated.

Everyone headed down to the conference room to meet about something that Tony had said was emergent. As they took their seats, he wasted no time getting started.

"Jack Walters, who we were able to get into holding thanks to Y/N, has finally begun opening up about HYDRA's plans. To quickly fill us in, Y/N and Steve, can you tell us what you heard him talking about before he was taken into custody?" He stated.

Y/N was unable to remember much due to the immediate rage that came over them, causing Steve to speak up, "They said that they had experimentees that were like the Maximoff twins."

Wanda's eyes widened as she glanced back and forth between Tony and Steve.

"Yes, exactly. Not only that, but they have another weapon that they've been saving to begin taking out government officials. If you'll remember last week, the senator from Alabama was recently found dead in their office," Tony said.

The team looked around wondering what this weapon could be.

"His name is The Winter Soldier and he is apparently one of their most dangerous to date. He lost his left arm, which was replaced with a cybernetic limb. He's been brainwashed to kill. That is his main and only goal. Now, our goal is to take him out," He finished as he brought up a picture on the projector for the team to see.

"This is him. His next target is huge as he is planning on taking out our own president. We travel to DC in an hour. Get your shit packed as quickly as possible."

In seconds, the team had dispersed up to their rooms to pack their belongings and get ready to head out. When Y/N finished, they made their way down to Yelena's room.

After knocking, they heard her say that it was okay to come in.

"Hey, I just wanted to catch you before we leave," They said as they slung their bag over their shoulder, "Is there anything I can help you carry to the Quinjet?"

Yelena smiled at Y/N's attempt to mend what had been broken, "No, but just give me a few minutes and I'll walk up there with you."

The team had finished packing and loaded up the jet. Everyone took their seats. This time, Steve had sat with Y/N but it was just across from Nat and Yelena. This trip would only take them about two hours, which of course Y/N would be knocked out for the whole time.

Yelena spent the trip looking up clothes online that she'd wanted to buy, periodically glancing up to look at Y/N. During one stare, Steve caught her looking and smirked.

Though she was slightly embarrassed, she smiled back and shook her head mouthing, "Shut up, don't start."

Two hours flew by as they were landing before they knew it, "Alright everyone, we're taking 4 cars over to the White House. The speech is taking place directly in front and The Winter Soldier is supposed to be in that vicinity. We need to be at our posts, ready to move, as quickly as possible. Understood?" Tony asked. The team nodded as they all knew where they would be stationed. 

As they walked off and to their cars, Yelena nudged Y/N's arm, "You sleep like a fucking rock, I hope you know," She said as they both laughed.

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