Chapter 34

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Through the link Alpha Shane called all pack members, "I need all pack members to meet at the pack house ASAP," came a message while I was talking at breakfast with everyone. Then to  Beta Mikel, Delta Zander and myself he  added, "please ask everyone over there to come. I will reach out to own own coven."

Beta Mikel replied, "no need to reach out to them. They are here with Four Season's Coven. I can relay it."

"Thanks. Get here as soon as you can."

"Yes, Alpha." He then turned toward everyone. "Alpha Shane did not say why, but has called an emergency pack meeting. He would like all of us there as soon as we can arrive."

Grundel waved his hand and muttered a few words. Then everyone popped in from of the alpha in his office. He jumped up startled ready to attack, "dammit which one of you did that? I could of killed you if I had turned into my wolf right away."

I heard the beta cursing, "fuck. I hate when you do that. How many damn times do I have to say I will run"

Then Fairy Inya yelled, "send me back. I need to turn off the stove, oven and bank the fire."

Grammy replied, "I took care of it when I realized what Grundell did Inya."

Everyone turned toward Grundell and either was glaring or smiling. He shrugged his shoulders and stated, "even this old geezer can do a spell like this. You said he wanted us there

We were expecting guest but they did not arrive. I got a call earlier asking to speak to there ASAP, so made it happen."

Alpha Shane then marched toward the door  "let's go. Hopefully everyone's here so I can begin right away." He walked toward the packhouse where everyone appeared to be standing. "Is everyone here?"

One of the pack members called out, "Crystal sent us on over while she finished turning off everything in the pack kitchen."

Another pack member said, "Doc and the midwife are busy delivering the O'Dell's pups. Nurse Jasmine stayed with the two sick patients we have.

Another member called out, "only warriors not here are the ones on patrol or guard duty. I set up the camera, and afterwards will send others to relieve them to watch your announcement Alpha."

He nods, "very well they are excused. You Jamison will make sure all missing parties see the video. Now the reason I called this meeting was we were suppose to have a fairy hybrid and a few of her friends show up. The fairy queen requested we help train her wolf. Her and her friends were supposed to have arrived yesterday afternoon. With us not knowing the cause of their disappearance I am going to initiate a pack lockdown. All who are not warriors or trackers will head to the packhouse. Where all windows and shutters will be locked. If territory is breached head to the safe room until given the all clear.

I am wanting to request the covens and their guest try to use their power to pick up anything.

Beta will stay behind and be in charge while I head up the search party. Brigade One and Two will stay behind to guard the pack. Brigade Three, Trackers, Jean and a few others will come with me while we conduct a search. Squad Zulu you will take the rear and make sure others are let safe Incase we are heading into a trap. We have two hours and we pull out. Get your families settled and meet back at armory in 1-1/2 hours. Dismiss."

We hear a chorus of, "yes Alpha." Then everyone turns to do what they need to do."

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