Season 3: 2# Plan To Overthrow The Dictator

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Brad's POV

It is now time for courses and Zach has come up with a brilliant plan while in Computer Science. While fixing up some bugs while coding, he told his plan to the 3rd leader, Tommy. It seems like the teenage boys are getting along well as leaders.

Zach's POV

While fixing up some bugs while coding, I have to tell Tommy my plan to overthrow Jschlatt. Before I could tell everyone else at lunch time because I couldn't tell them in one classroom. That's because they are all in different courses.

Tommy: So, you have a plan to overthrow Jschlatt?

Zach: Yeah, tonight we're going to Yuansu Park, sneak up to Jschlatt and launch a surprise attack. Afterwards, we'll file a lawsuit against him for illegally becoming a Yuansu Park leader because he wasn't chosen by the guardian.

Tommy: And what would be his punishment?

Zach: No plans yet. We'll just see what we got.

Tommy: Okay.

Zach: I'll check everyone's schedules to see if we'll be able to meet up in the theatre. Only the secondary school team members though, we'll meet up the others at lunch.

Tommy: Oh yeah.

I checked all the secondary school kids' schedule to see if we're going to have morning break at the same time today. Luckily, we do have morning break at the same time so we will be able to meet up at the theatre. So I texted my teammates to meet up at the theatre during the morning break.

Zach: I hope this goes well. I already told everyone.

Tommy: That's good.

Zach: Let's continue coding and then we'll head to the theatre later.

Tommy: Yeah.

Zach: Wait, I forgot something.

Tommy: What?

Zach: I need to tell Mr. Tan about the Dragon Gem.

Tommy: No worries, he's coming to check on us.

Mr. Tan came into the Computer Science classroom to check on us. I was nervous about what he'll say when the Dragon Gem is being infected with Lunatite vines. Or maybe I always jump into conclusions a lot because it usually doesn't happen before.

Mr. Tan: Hey Zach, how's the Dragon Gem?

Zach: About that, it is unfortunately infected.

Mr. Tan: How?

Zach: Lunatite vines started growing on it. I put it in a small bottle so that neither of us would be infected.

Mr. Tan: The vines are now halfway.

Zach: Is this because of Jschlatt?

Mr. Tan: Yeah, I didn't choose Jschlatt to become the Yuansu Park leader which explains the Lunatite vines. If the vines completely cover the Dragon Gem, I'm either going to die or grow grey hair.

Tommy: Wait, how old are you?

Mr. Tan: 63 chronologically but biologically I'm 36. I'm a guardian from the Cold War era.

Zach: That's cool.

Mr. Tan: So I'll most-likely get grey hair and become very old.

Tommy: And then die?

Mr. Tan: Not sure about that. Anyways, I don't want this to happen. If the Dragon Gem is entirely covered in Lunatite vines, I'm officially a senior citizen. I just wanna stay young. And I'll loose my status as guardian.

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