Season 6: 1# Maggie's Backstory

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Brad's POV

The Zodiac heroes are now back in business after a week of inactivity. And they brought 2 new members with them, a Spirit hero and a Deity hero. Oh wait, does the Deity hero seem familiar to you because she seems familiar to me. Let's find out.

Zach's POV

Me and my teammates were anxiously waiting to hear Maggie's long story. We want to know why she wanted to join our team and why she has a connection with Brandon. Could they be dating or something?

Maggie: You know the Delta Air Lines flight that crashed on an island last year?

Zach: Norfolk Island?

Maggie: Yeah but do you know the flight number?

Daniel: 2119.

Ryan H: Yeah, I remembered that there were... how many survivors?

Johnny: 20. 19 humans and 1 cat.

Maggie: Actually, there are 21 survivors. I was one of the survivors of that flight but it seems like nobody saw me. I was a middle row survivor.

Taegan: Why were you on the flight, though?

Maggie: Brandon and I didn't study in the same university even though we're dating. So I was chosen to join the students of the University of California, Los Angeles. But I didn't know Brandon was one of the chosen students from another university too. So yeah, I was one of the passengers of that connecting flight. From Los Angeles to American Samoa via Guam.

Zach: Wait, you guys were in the same flight?

Brandon: Yup.

Maggie: Yeah, but Brandon was in the tail section while I was in the middle section.

Brandon: I actually thought you were dead along with the other passengers.

Maggie: And I thought you've forgotten about me as soon as everyone else managed to go back to mainland Australia. And now here you guys are, in the United Kingdom, way far from Australia.

Brandon: Well, I'm sorry but it's not my fault I didn't know you were in that flight. You could've followed the middle-section survivors as soon as they were rescued by the Zodiac heroes.

Maggie: Apparently, I was stuck under debris nobody could see me which might look like I'm killed. But thanks to the island and my Light Spirit status, I survived.

Brandon: Then you should've came to where the tail section crashed.

Maggie: I don't even know where it crashed.

Brandon: In the ocean of course.

Toby: What are they going on about?

Zach: Brandon Michael Lee Arreaga and Margaret Elizabeth Lindemann. Why are you guys arguing now?

Maggie: Brandon left me to die in Norfolk Island.

Brandon: It isn't my fault Brad couldn't find you.

Maggie: Brad?

Zach: Guys, if you want to get out your emotions, you can fight in the backyard.

We all went to the backyard to watch Brandon and Maggie fight each other. With their powers. Brandon started off with his Poison-based powers and then Maggie used her powers. Which are actually Earth-based powers.

Shawn: Woah.

Zak: Didn't know Maggie is a very strong Earth-based hero.

Daniel: Your predecessor was my brother, how come he didn't know that?

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