Give Him Back!

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3rd POV

After a few seconds Salem takes her hand out of the Grimm pool and opens her hand. She looks at the ring to see it's now all black. She puts the ring on and speaks to it.

Salem: "Appear."

Y/N: *deeper* "Say emerge."

Salem: "Emerge."

A dark light shines and Y/N appears in front of Salem. His appearance has changed with his hair going from H/C to white and his eye changing from E/C to red like a Grimm's. 

Y/N: "What are my orders?"

Salem: "Go get the relic under Atlas."

Y/N: "As you command."

Y/N leaves as Salem looks at the hound and makes it burst into ashes.

Salem: "You've been replaced."

Salem walks out of the Monstra and onto the fields of Atlas. After some time teams RWBY and JNR arrive with Ruby leading the charge.

Salem: "The heroes."

Ruby: "Give us Y/N back!"

Salem: "I'm afraid that's not possible. He works for me now."

Yang: "You lie! He'd never work for you!"

Salem: "Why don't you ask him yourself?"

Y/N: "Afraid it's all true."

The teams look at Y/N to see him holding the staff of creation and a torn off robotic right arm.

Salem: "You got the relic. What of Ironwood?"

Y/N: "Dealt with."

Jaune: "You killed him!?"

Y/N: "Sadly no, but you could say he's really tore up about losing the staff."

Ruby: "What happened to you Y/N?"

Y/N: "My eyes have been opened. I see that this fight against Salem is pointless. There's no way of beating her. It's best for everyone to join her."

Ren: "What about humanity!?"

Y/N: "Humanity is a cancer. And I'm the one who's going to kill it."

Ruby: "This isn't you Y/N. You'd never join Salem."

Y/N: "You're so naïve. This is a war, and war demands bloodshed. You're either the one spilling it or the one giving it."

Ruby: "Please Y/N, come back to us."

Y/N: "No, I have a job to do. Destroy this world and usher in a new one. Free from everything and ruled by one person, Salem."

Ruby: "Fine, then how about a bet?"

Y/N: "What kind of bet?"

Ruby: "Me and you fight. If I win you have to abandon Salem and come back to us."

Y/N: "Interesting. What about if I win?"

Ruby: "All of us will stand down and let you kill everyone."

WBYJNR: "What!?"

Y/N: "I like this bet, I like it a lot. You're on."

Y/N empties his hands as Ruby runs towards him. She goes for a right hook but Y/N swats it away and slaps Ruby into the dirt. Y/N looks at his hand which lightly shakes; he clenches his fist and walks to Ruby. He kicks her into the air before punching her away. She shakily picks herself up when Yang yells.

Yang: "Just stay down or you'll die!!!"

Ruby: "No, I have to fight. Y/N always risked his life to save me. And right now I need to save him."

Y/N: "You've got spirit kid, but all spirits can be broken."

Y/N knees Ruby's stomach and punches her onto her back. He then summons his sword and aims it at her throat.

Y/N: "Give up, I win."

Ruby: "What would Summer think about this?"

Y/N freezes as his sword trembles.

Y/N: "Don't say that name."

Ruby: "You remember. She made you promise to protect me. How do you think she'd feel seeing you about to kill me?"

Y/N: "Shut up!"

Ruby: "You are bound by an oath to protect. Yet here you are about to break it. Summer would be disappointed."

Y/N: *crying* "I said shut up!!"

Ruby: "You said you'd always be with me. So come back, come back to me."

Y/N drops his sword as his appearance returns to normal. He then wraps Ruby into a hug.


Y/N: "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you."

Ruby: "It's okay, I'm just glad you're back."

Salem: "No!! You'll pay for this!!"

Y/N: "Mind if I take care of her?"

Ruby: "Go right ahead."

Y/N: "I'd like my ring back."

I hold out my hand and the ring violently rips itself off Salem's finger ripping it clean off. Salem screams in pain while I hand Ruby back my ring. 

Y/N: "You tried to make me kill Ruby, for that you'll pay with your life."

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