The Fall

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I emit a battle cry and swing my sword beheading a Beowolf. I vault over it and fire three shots taking out three Beowolves. I limbo under an Ursa's attack and fire under its jaw. I backflip to avoid the stinger of a Deathstalker. I cut off its stinger then charge up a shot. I weave left and right then hop on the Deathstalker's head. I stick my gun to the back of its head and release my shot making its head explode. I turn around to receive a slash to my stomach by a Beowolf. I lean forward when an Ursa Major rams its claws into my back. I scream in pain when a Beowolf imbeds its claws into my sides. I aim my gun at the Beowolf when an Alpha Beowolf howls and chomps down on my left shoulder. I look over at Ruby to see a Deathstalker raising its stinger to her. I have flashbacks to Summer and feel anger rising in me.

Y/N: "Get away from her!!!!"

I focus my power and emit a bright light that kills the Grimm near me. I draw my sword and coat in light while running at the Deathstalker. I deliver an upwards swing which cuts the entire Deathstalker in half. I holster my sword and kneel next to Ruby as she opens her eyes.

Ruby: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Yeah, I'm here. Think you can fight?"

Ruby: "Yeah."

She gets to her feet and runs off to help take care of the Grimm invasion. I withdraw my gun and shoot down the Grimm in the sky while keeping my eye on Ruby. I swap my gun for my sword and run at a King Taijitu slithering its way to me. I coat my sword in light again and jump onto the King Taijitu's white head. I plunge my sword into its head which makes it hiss in pain. I free my sword and turn around to see the black head roaring at me. I bring my sword back and swing it cleaving off the black head. I hop off of the black head and look to see things calming down. I put away my sword and head back to Ruby who recalls me and heads back to Beacon to get ready for the tournament.

The Vytal Festival Tournament finally arrives and it mostly goes over well. Things start to go bad during the singles rounds. It started with Yang attacking a defenseless Mercury and causing future rounds to be delayed. The next bad thing to happen is Penny getting ripped into four pieces. This pushed this crowd into a frenzy and brought the Grimm. The first Grimm to arrive is Nevermore which just broke through the arena shield. After comforting Ruby she springs to her feet and rams one of Penny's swords into the Nevermore killing it.

Ruby calls for her weapon and punches coordinates into it. She rides the locker into the sky and lands on a airship. Ruby walks along the airship until we spot the girl who saved Roman and Roman himself. Roman fires his cane which knocks Ruby off the airship but she slams Crescent Rose into the side and stops herself.

Roman: "Well aren't you just determined to be the hero of Vale."

Ruby: "What are you doing? Without these ships, the Grimm will destroy everything."

Roman: "That's the plan."

He aims his cane when I release myself out of the ring and backhand Roman away. I then grab Ruby and pull her to safety. I turn around and lean my head back barely dodging a kick from the girl. I grab her ankle and throw her to the side; she backflips to a recovery and runs at me. I twist right dodging her fist and gut punch her. She grabs my wrist and flips my over her shoulder. She goes to step on me but I roll to the side and reverse the hold on her. I pull her arm back into a lock when she shatters and kicks me across the airship. I slam my sword into the ground and jump back to my feet. I see her about to slash Ruby when I send out a chain wrapping her waist and puling her to me.

Y/N: "You will not hurt her."

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