Haven's Fate

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I holster my sword and let my light shine. I look at Ruby's attacker and see Emerald. I zip to her and uppercut her ribs. She gasps when I smack her into the ground. I then kick her away embedding her into the wall. A shot is fired and something metal hits my jaw. I look and see Mercury. I display disappointment before grabbing his ankle and lifting him up. I slam him onto the ground twice then toss him into Emerald making her embed herself again. 

I turn around and catch Cinder's right hook. I squeeze her hand making her knuckles pop and her scream in pain. I grab her neck and slam her into the ground. I stomp on her back, lift her up by the back of her neck and toss her to the side. I scoff at the so called badies when a fist hits my back and knocks me forward. I turn around and see that giant with Dust crystals in his arms.

He crackles his knuckles and stomps his way to me. I reel back my fist and we each deliver a right hook. The shockwave rips apart the floor and rocks the entire school. The tall man grabs my head and lifts me off the ground. He starts crushing my skull when I grab his pinky and index finger and pull breaking them. He shouts in pain when I punch him in his diaphragm. He gasps then grabs my shoulder crushing it. I groan annoyingly and kick in his knee. 

He falls to it and I punch his jaw knocking him to the floor. He grabs my foot and tosses me up through the roof. I breach the clouds and begin rapidly descending back down. I line myself downward and crash through the roof slamming my fists onto the giant's shoulders. He crumbles to the ground while I land on my legs. I stand up right as the giant get back on his feet. 

He gets ready to punch me when I slam my hand onto his stomach and send him skidding across the academy floor. He gets up more annoyed than hurt and shoves combustion Dust crystals into his arms. He cracks his neck ready for round two when we hear a ding. We look and see Yang holding a golden lamp. I look back at the giant to see Emerald and Mercury limp to his side.

Giant: "This isn't over."

He drops a flashbang uses our stunned status to escape. I hmph at their retreat then calm down as my light dims down. I walk over to Ruby kneel next to her as she wakes up.

Ruby: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Yeah, it's me kid. You okay?"

Ruby: "Yes, head's just a little sore. Where're the badies?"

Y/N: "They've been dealt with. Can you stand?"

Ruby: "Yes."

I hold her hand help her to her feet. I turn her around where we all regroup. 

Yang: "We have the lamp, so now what?"

Oscar: "Ozpin said to get the lamp to Atlas. It'll be safer there."

We exit the academy when we see Faunus taking care of the White Fang. We look forward and see Blake who becomes surprised. Without saying a word they have a group hug. I smile and just let them have their moment. Later we hop aboard a train; after some trouble we make it to the train station.

Nora: "I can't believe we're going to Argus. You think it's too early for the beach?"

Ren: "Maybe, but at least we'll be ever so closer to Atlas."

Weiss: "I'm glad you're all excited. I had to go through a lot of trouble to escape Atlas."

Ruby: "I know you're worried, but don't worry, we're here for you. We'll never leave your side."

Man: "There's no need to worry when we're around."

Nora: "And you are..."

Dee: "Dee and Dudley. The Huntsmen assigned to guard the Argus Limited.  We'll protect the train while passing through Grimm territory."

Dudley: "But for a gracious tip we'll make sure your car gets more protection."

Y/N: *through ring* "Here's a tip. Leave us alone."

Dee: "Who the hell said that?"

Y/N: "This ring. Now listen close, you two are nothing but hired Huntsmen. You lack real work experience and would surely die in the face of actual danger. Meanwhile these kids have done more fighting than you can even imagine. Not to mention I have more combat experience than anyone in this station. Take it from me when I say that they are more than capable of protecting a few passenger cars. However it seems one of you so called heroes failed a simple guarding task and left the caboose entrance wide open."

Dudley: "Wasn't me."

Dee: "Come on."

They walk away while the others laugh. Once Qrow joins us we hop aboard the train and just chill out while waiting for our train to arrive in Argus.

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