Brunswick Farms

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We walk through the gate and up to the main house. I twist the knob only to find it locked.

Weiss: "Now what?"

I make a small knife, stick it in the keyhole and twist. The lock unclicks and the door opens; we walk inside and see a decent layer of dust everywhere. We look around until I hear a scream. I run upstairs and see Weiss on the floor. I look up and see two rotting bodies in the bed. I escort everyone out of the room and into the living room. We just watch the fire burn until we see Qrow come into the room.

Qrow: "It's the same for every house. Bodies in every bed."

Weiss: "We're not going to stay here right?"

Qrow: "We don't have much of a choice. We either stay and wait out the storm or leave and freeze to death."

Maria: "Then I'll try and find us a story to read."

Ruby: "Hey, if these people never left then maybe we can use some of the supplies they left behind."

Oscar: "And best case scenario they left behind a car."

Qrow: "I'll do another round on the place. No one leave alone."

After finding everyone something to eat they get settled down. I go take watch when I see Qrow sitting down with a bottle in his hand.

Y/N: "You okay?"

Qrow: "I'm fine."

Y/N: "I'm just concerned about you."

Qrow: "Appreciate it but no need to worry."

Y/N: "I think you have a problem."

Qrow: "What are you trying to say?"

Y/N: "You're hurting. I know you're still sad about Summer but using alcohol to dull the pain only makes it hurt more. I'm your friend Qrow, if you ever need to talk I'm always willing to listen."

Qrow: *sigh* "Thanks, I'll let you know."

Y/N: "I'll take watch, you go sleep."

Qrow: "I'm good."

Y/N: "I wasn't asking."

Qrow groans but gets up and goes to lay down. Meanwhile I stand by the door window and slowly watch the sun rise. Come first light I wake everyone up and watch as they rig up the trailer. 

Oscar: "Can we just back to bed?"

Blake: "Can't we at least eat breakfast?"

Oscar: "You wanna make it?"

Blake: "Not really."

Qrow: "Alright, let's hook this trailer up."

He puts his foot on the tire which makes a tire on the other side pop. He groans in anger before sitting down and drinking from his flask. 

Yang: "I'm starting to think we're not meant to get to Atlas."

Y/N: "It's only a flat."

Yang: "It's not just the tire, it's everything. Storms, wrecks, monsters, I'm just really tired."

Blake: "Me too, feels as though we're fighting only to barely get by."

Ruby: "But that's our job."

Oscar: "No, our job is to save the world. Not prolong the inevitable."

Weiss: "Last night. I couldn't help but think why are we even going to Atlas?"

Y/N: "Because we have to."

Yang: "Why? Oz built the schools to protect the relics. But how long would it take Salem to find the lamp in the middle of nowhere?"

Ruby: "But the Grimm-"

Yang: "Might find it eventually. But if we just bury it or drop it down the well and it'd take years, maybe not in our lifetime. We could be done with it now."

Ruby begins walking to the well and dangles the lamp over it. I run to stop her but she screams and drops the lamp.

Ruby: "No, I didn't mean to."

Weiss: "It's okay."

Ruby: "No, there's something down there, I saw it starring at me."

Yang: "It's okay, we can leave now."

Ruby: "I'm not leaving without the lamp!!"

Y/N: "I'll go with you."

Blake: "Fine, I will too."

We all hop over the well wall and into the well. We land and the others use their scroll flashlights to look around.

Yang: "Maybe the current washed it away."

Y/N: "Turn off your scrolls and look for the glow."

They do so and we look. Soon we see the glow with Ruby going to get it. She screams which puts us on alert. 

Y/N: "What's wrong!?"

I look and see dozens of Apathies coming out of the corner Ruby ran out of. The others ready their weapons when the Apathies groan. The others lower their arms when we hear Maria scream.

Maria: "Run! Now!"

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