School Days

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The morning after initiation I feel Ruby slip on my ring and see everyone but Weiss awake. Ruby then creeps up to Weiss and right when she rises from her bed Ruby blows a whistle scaring Weiss out of her bed. 

Ruby: "Goood morning team RWBY!!"

Weiss: "What in the world is wrong with you!?"

Ruby: "Now that you're awake we can officially begin our first order of business."

Weiss: "Excuse me?"

Yang: "Decorating!"

Weiss: "What?"

Blake: *holds suitcase* "We still need to unpack." *Suitcase opens spilling contents* "And clean."

Ruby: "Alright! Weiss, Blake, Yang and their fearless leader Ruby have begun their first mission. Banzai!"

Yang, Blake: "Banzai!"

Weiss sighs but ultimately helps them unpack and rearrange their room.  Once they were satisfied I notice one glaring problem. 

Y/N: *through ring* "The beds aren't going to work."

Blake: "It is a bit cramped."

Yang: "Maybe we should get rid of some of our stuff."

Ruby: "Or we could ditch the beds. And replace them with bunk beds!"

Weiss: "That sounds incredibly dangerous."

Yang: "And super awesome!"

Blake: "It does seem efficient."

Weiss: "We should put it to a vote."

Y/N: "I think they just did."

Ruby: "Emerge!"

I spring out of my ring and set to work. After only a few seconds I finish my handiwork. 

Yang: "Not bad."

Ruby: "Who knew you specialize in craftsmanship."

Y/N: "I am a man of many talents."

Ruby: "Right, our second order of business is... classes. Now we have a few classes together today. At nine o'clock we gotta be-"

Y/N: "Uh guys."

Ruby: "Yes?"

Y/N: "It's eight fifty-five."

 Ruby: "Oh poopy, recall."

I am sucked back into my ring and watch as the others run to class. Us along with team JNPR make it to class just barely make the late bell. Ruby takes a seat and the man introduces himself as Port.

Port: "The Grimm are known by many names but I merely call them prey."

He jovially laughs to himself but stops upon hearing silence.

Port: "And you shall too when you graduate. As I was saying, all four kingdoms are safe places in a otherwise dangerous world. This world is filled with things that would love nothing more than to tear you apart. And that's where we come in, Huntsmen and Huntresses. People whose duty it is to protect the people of this world. From what? From the world itself."

Student: "Yeah!"

Port: "That is your goal here. But first a story. A story of a young handsome man, me. When I was young..."

Ruby begins scribbling something onto a sheet of paper and when her hand stops I see it is a drawing of Port although his name says professor poop. I smile at that when Port clears his throat.

Port: "The morale to this tale? A true Huntsmen must be respectable."

Ruby is impressively balancing a book and apple on a pencil.

Port: "A true Huntsmen must be reliant."

Ruby is now fast asleep.

Port: "A true Huntsmen must be strategic, well versed, and smart."

I look and see Ruby now openly picking her nose.

Port: "Who among you believe themselves to possess these traits?"

Weiss: "Me!"

Port: "Then come on down and face your opponent."

He motions to a cage to his right where we see a pair of red eyes shining through the bars. Weiss walks away and later comes back in her regular outfit.

Port: "Let the match begin!"

The lock to the cage is broken and a Borbatusk comes charging out. It charges towards Weiss but she spins around like a ballerina and cuts the Borbatusk's side. It drifts and kicks up the ground. They run at each other and upon contact they begin a game of tug war for Weiss' rapier.

Ruby: "Come on Weiss! Show it who's boss!"

Weiss glares at Ruby which lets the Borbatusk yank her rapier out of her hands and throw it to the side. Weiss flips over the Borbatusk and rearms herself with her rapier. 

Ruby: "Go for it's belly! There-"

Weiss: "Stop telling me what to do!"

The Borbatusk does its signature tuck and roll and heads for Weiss. She summons a glyph in front of her which knocks the Borbatusk onto its back. She launches herself off another glyph and skewers the Borbatusk's soft belly.

Port: "Well done. It seems you do indeed possess these traits. That will be all for toady. Read tonight's readings and remember to stay alert."

Weiss stomps out of the room which causes Ruby to look down.

Y/N: "Don't worry about her. Just give her some time."

Later that night I hear the bedroom door open and see Weiss walk in. She walks to Ruby and they start having a heart to heart. I smile at their makeup and go back to meditating in the void of my ring. 

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