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Ozpin: "I'm cursed. I've been living, dieing and being merged with like minded people. This process is extremely strenuous for everyone involved."

Jaune: "So just what are you?"

Ozpin: "I'm the combination of many lives spent trying to protect the people of Remnant. This curse was given to me because I failed to stop Salem before. But we must stop her now."

Ren: "But how exactly?"

Ozpin: "First we make sure the relic underneath Haven is safe."

Nora: "This is great! All we gotta do is show Lionheart Oz and we'll be set."

Qrow: "That may not be the best idea now."

Ren: "But don't the headmasters listen to you?"

Ozpin: "Normally but Lionheart is disregarding basic instructions I left behind for him. Something's not right. I don't wanna say anything yet but I also don't wanna rule anything out. As far as we know no one outside this room knows I've been paired with Oscar. If at all possible I'd like to keep it that way."

Qrow: "Play things close to our chest until our hand changes."

Oscar: "Exactly. Now that just leaves us two more steps. The first of which is getting help from other Huntsmen."

Ren: "But I though Mistral-"

Qrow: "Doesn't own every Huntsmen in the kingdom. I've been here enough times to know where we can find some willing to help us."

Ozpin: "Only if we can trust them."

Qrow: "You can trust them to put up a good fight. I can give you a list later."

Ozpin: "Good. Once that's done we can move on to step two."

Nora: "What's step two?"

Ozpin: *points cane* "Getting you four into fighting shape."

Ruby: "But we already know how to fight."

Ozpin: *points at her* "You can only fight so long as you are wielding Crescent Rose and lack hand to hand combat. You also have Y/N to help you but you must learn to not always rely on him."

Y/N: *through ring* "Watch it old man."

Ozpin: *points to Jaune* "Mr. Arc, I'm glad to hear your combat has improved but you still have yet to activate your semblance."

Ruby: "Wait, if Qrow's gonna be out getting Huntsmen, who's going to train us?"

Ozpin: "That shall be Y/N and I."

Y/N: "Huh?"

Ozpin: "But don't think for a second we'll go easy on you."

A few days later I find myself outside slapping Ruby's attacks away. 

Y/N: "Use you hips and not just your shoulder."

She corrects herself and slightly improves. I continue to block her attacks when I stop us.

Y/N: "That's enough for now."

She relaxes when I look over at Oscar to see him panting.

Oscar: "Why is this so exhausting?"

Ren: You're just not used to this level of physical exercise, that's not mentioning creating an Aura on your own. It takes extreme concentration at first but eventually it'll become second nature. You'll be able to block attacks and slowly heal your wounds. Once you've mastered that then you can move on to unlocking your semblance."

Oscar: "What's a semblance?"

Nora: "It's kinda like your very own superpower. Everyone has one. It all just depends on finding and perfecting it. Ruby can move really fast, electricity makes me stronger, Ren can hide emotions and Jaune can, uh..."

Jaune: "I can't do anything."

Ruby: "He's like you. He hasn't found his semblance but I'm sure he will one day. All we have to do is help each other get stronger."

A few days later I watch Ruby cook while giving her a few pointers.

Ren: "Ok, this batch is almost done."

Ruby: "Now all we need is Qrow and we'll be set."

Nora: "Do you think there'll be that many people? Because this is a lot of food."

Ruby: "Who knows, but it sounds like we're going to need all the help we can get."

Qrow: "I'm back."

Ruby: "Okay!"

Y/N: *through ring* "That's gonna burn."

Ruby: "I've got it."

Qrow: "Ruby?"

Ruby: "Hang on."

I look at the food and see it smoking.

Ruby: "Ren, take over."

Ruby grabs a tray and heads into the living room.

Ruby: "We weren't sure how many people were coming so we just kinda cooked it all."

She gasps and drops the tray seeing Yang and Weiss.

Ruby: "Yang, I... I'm so sorry. I should've stayed, and I should've talked to you more. I just... I wasn't sure if you wanted me around and..."

She is cut off by Yang hugging her. 

Yang: "I love you."

Ruby begins crying while I be quiet so as to not ruin their moment. Weiss joins in on the hug and I almost feel like crying. They break the hug when we head into the kitchen to eat. I am released from my ring and sit down next to ruby. Yang spots me and throws her arms around me.

Yang: "Been awhile Y/N."

Y/N: *returns hug* "It sure has."

Yang: *lets go* "I hope you've been taking good care of Ruby."

Y/N: "Of course I have, it's my job."

They all fix a bowl and we begin just talking.

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