Leave Her Alone!

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Ruby: "Penny!!"

Penny: "Sal-u-tations!!"

Penny rockets herself to Ruby and puts her in a deathly hug. 

Penny: "It's such a pleasure to see you guys again."

Ruby: "I don't understand, I thought you-"

Pietro: "Died? I guess in a way she did. But luckily we were able to retrieve her core and put her back together again."

Penny: "I'm good as new, better even. I'm even the protector of Mantle."

Pietro: "Atta girl. We're not going to let getting ripped to shreds stop us, are we?"

Penny: "No sir."

Weiss: "This is..."

Y/N: "Kinda wholesome."

Yang: "Sounds just like Penny to me."

Penny: "We have so much to talk about, I can't wait." *hears siren* "I'll have to wait." *flies off* "It was nice seeing you, I can't wait to catch uppppp!"

Ruby: "I'm not sure if I fully what's going on or if I have a million question."

Piero: "I have about a thousand answers."

Jaune: "I wasn't expecting that."

Ren: "Always a surprise."

Qrow: "And a good one. I was honestly thinking things were gonna go worse."

We holster our weapons and walk away with me getting recalled. The others walk down the street when something hits their backs restraining them. I burst out of my ring and look around for the attackers. 

Woman: "Where'd you come from?"

I turn around and see a tan skinned woman in shorts. She crouches into a runner's stance and instantly appears in front of me. I activate my light and narrowly dodge her uppercut.

Woman: "Nice reaction time."

She tries a right hook but I dodge it as well. She delivers a flurry of rapid punches which I just swat away making her angry. She screams in anger before trying to knee my stomach. I block her knee and headbutt her away making her collide with a building wall and crack it. She slumps to the ground when I hear a man's voice.

Man: "Impressive, you're fast enough to keep up with Hare. But let's see how well you do against me."

I turn around and limbo dodging a hand made of light. I flip onto my feet and punch the owner in his chest. He scoots backwards and I take in his appearance; he is bald and has multiple facial piercings. He coats his arms in light and tries to crush me. I roll to the side and push off my right foot. I slam my fist onto the man's stomach making him lean forward. I then slam his face on my knee then kick him into the recovering woman in shorts. 

Woman2: "You're really skilled. This will be quite the fight."

I side step avoiding a giant hammer from crushing me. I grab the woman's neck and try to lift her up. Weird light vines sprout from her feet and I can't move her. She smiles which I return; I activate my light and forcibly disconnect her rooted feet. The woman gets over her shock and attempts to slam her fist down on me. I catch her fist and slam her onto the ground. I plant my foot on her shoulder and pull her arm making her shout in pain.

Y/N: "Who're you working for?"

Man2: "Stay."

My body locks up and I can't move an inch. The woman escapes my grasp and walks to the second man while rubbing her shoulder.

Woman2: "Appreciate the assist Marrow."

Marrow: "Looked like you guys could use a hand. Hare, Vine, I got this one, you get the others."

They get up and go to pick up the others. The bald man goes to pick up Ruby when my anger starts rising.

Y/N: "Get away from her!!!!"

I activate more of my light and finally start moving again albeit slowly.

3rd POV

Y/N: "Get away from her!!!!"

The Ace-Ops look at Y/N and become shocked seeing him fighting Marrow's hold.

Harriet: "Why is he moving!?"

Marrow: "I don't know!! Whatever this guy is he's not human! I can't hold him much longer!"

Y/N summons his sword and shakily makes his way to Vine. 

Y/N: "Put her down!!"

Marrow: "Elm! Do something!!!"

Elm reels back her hammer when Y/N emits a flash of light which makes Elm scream in pain and drop her hammer.

Elm: "My eyes! I'm blind, I can't see!!"

Y/N finally reaches Vine and lifts up his sword. Vine tries to run away when a chain wraps around his ankle binding him in place. Thinking fast Harriet crouches down and takes off towards Y/N. He sees her in the corner of his eye and again emits a bright light stunning her. Harriet trips and rolls before slamming her face into the wall. 

Y/N: "Die!"

Marrow: "Vine!!!"

Suddenly a third male appears and finally manages to wrangle Y/N by wrapping five sets of handcuffs around him. Y/N tries to break free but it yields no results.

Man3: "I reckon that's enough fighting."

Y/N: "Leave her alone!!!"

Ruby: "Y/N, I'm fine. Just relax."

Y/N looks at Ruby and sees the plead in her eyes. He takes a deep breath and finally calms down from his anger filled rampage.

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