Invasive Grimm

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We arrive at base camp where Ruby sits down by the fore.

Oobleck: "Everyone eat your dinners and get plenty of rest for tomorrow. Any volunteers for first watch?"

Y/N: *through ring* "I'll keep watch all night."

Oobleck: "Very well then."

He then runs off to Oum knows where leaving us alone.

Yang: "Hey, did Oobleck ask you why you wanted to be a Huntress? I mean, what did you tell him?"

Ruby: "Hmm, no he didn't. Oh well, good night guys."

She calls me out of my ring and I sit down by an exposed section while the others go to sleep. About an hour later Ruby leaves and follows after Zwei. I look back out the section since Zwei said he just needed to do his business. A few minutes later Zwei comes running to us barking frantically.

Yang: "What's going on?"

Y/N: "It's Ruby, Zwei said she needs our help. Lead the way."

He takes off running with us following closely behind him. He leads us to a giant hole which I immediately jump down. I take off running down the tunnel until I stop at a train station like area. I look forward and see Ruby running away. She reaches me as the others reach us.

Weiss: "Are you okay?"

Ruby: "I'm fine but listen. Torchwick's got all sorts of weapons and robots down here. They're all loaded up on the train cars."

Speaker: "Get into positions, we're rolling out!"

The train begins rolling out which makes us hop onto it.

Weiss: "Oobleck, what's this?"

We look down and see a metal device.

Oobleck: "That would be a bomb."

Ruby: "Incoming!"

We look and see White Fang members making their way to us.

Oobleck: "Silly for thinking they would go-"

We look down and see the bomb beeping.

Oobleck: "Easy on us, time to go. Y/N, detach the caboose."

I hop down between the cars and raise my sword when the car begins to roll away.

Y/N: "It cut itself loose!"

We look and see the car explode.

Y/N: "That's not good."

Weiss: "Neither is this."

I hop back up and see another bomb. I run to the next car, pry off a panel and find yet another bomb.

Y/N: "They all have bombs!"

Blake: "Are they insane!?"

The car we are on pulls away and blows up with us barely making it off. I look back and see Grimm are now chasing after the train. I look forward and go wide eyed figuring out their plan.

Y/N: "They're bringing Grimm into the city! The cars explode allowing the Grimm to enter the tunnel and follow after us!"

Oobleck: "You kids get to the front of the train and stop it. I'll stay here and deal with our opposition."

We nod and head inside towards the front of the train. We start meeting opposition until only Ruby remains. I look at Roman and rush towards him. He swings his cane but I flip over him. I spin kick him into the car wall; he aims his cane and begins firing. I duck and weave through his bullets until I reach him and uppercut him. I grab his ankle and slam his back on the ground. He passes out allowing me to get to the front of the train.

I reach the locomotive to see we are about to crash. I run to Ruby and cover her with my body. The train plows through the street of Vale and tosses me around like a ragdoll. When I come to a stop I open my eyes to find myself outside of the train and on the ground. I look into my arms to see Ruby is safe and unscratched. I smile when I groan feeling pain in my side. The ground then rumbles and we are sent flying away.

I stand up and see a massive horde of Grimm in front of me. I summon my weapons when I groan again. I look down and see a huge rebar through my right side. I quickly pull it out and ready myself as the horde charges at me. I emit a battle cry and begin cutting down the Grimm making sure they don't touch Ruby.

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