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After about thirty minuets of relaxing danger calls in the form of passengers screaming and the train shaking. The others get ready when Ruby releases me.

Ruby: "We'll handle the Grimm, you try to calm down the passengers."

Y/N: "Got it."

She heads to the rooftop while I head to the passengers.

Y/N: "Ladies and gentlemen, I need you all to look at me and focus on my voice."

They look and all eyes fall on me.

Y/N: "As of this moment Huntsmen and Huntresses are on top of the train dealing with the Grimm. They are all trained and are keeping you safe. But right now I need all of you to try and calm down. Panicking is what's luring in the Grimm, so just take a deep breath and think of a memory that brings you the most joy."

I hear a collective breath and their clamoring ceases. At that moment Dudley comes in screaming in pain with the others following him. 

Y/N: "Well?"

Ruby: "We got quite a few of them but some remain along with a really big one."

Qrow: "We need those turrets off!"

Dudley: "No way!"

We look and see them arguing. Ruby walks to them and separates them.

Ruby: "Please just turn them off."

Dudley: "Whatever."

Nora: "Ren, can you use your semblance to hide everyone on the train?"

Ren: "I don't know, I've never attempted to mask this many people."

Jaune: "I can help by amplifying your Aura."

Nora: "With them hidden and the turrets off maybe then we can give them the Grimm the slip."

Qrow: "That sounds like an alright plan."

Ozpin: "Except there's just one issue. The Grimm are drawn to the relic."

Yang: "Are you serious!?"

Ruby: "That doesn't matter. What does is making sure the passengers are safe. Jaune, you and your team get the passengers to the front cars where Ren can mask them. Once you do turn off the turrets. Meanwhile my team and I will keep the Grimm lured to the back cars and cut the cars loose. That'll give you guys the chance to escape to Argus with the passengers."

Jaune: "Only if you promise to meet us there."

Ruby: "We will."

They shake hands and we split up. JNR corral the passengers to the front then mask them. Once that's done I cut the back cars loose. I watch the front cars pull away then jump to the roof. I look upwards and see Manticores landing on the train. I withdraw my weapons and rush at the Manticores. 

I cut one Manticore in half while firing a bullet down the throat of another. I lean back dodging a set of claws which allows Ruby to cut the Manticore in half. I stand up and pivot dodging a snake tail. I swing my sword and sever the tail. Its owner roar in pain when I silence it by cutting off its head. 

I look forward and see a giant Sphinx roaring at me. I fire at it but it uses its wings to wave away my bullets. I switch my weapons for a glaive then run at the Sphinx. I jump upwards and land on its back. It roars and tries to take flight. I slam the blade into its back pinning it to the ground. The Sphinx roars which sends a swarm of Manticores at me. I summon shotguns and fire taking out any Manticore that gets too close to me. 

When the last one falls I look over my shoulder to see the Sphinx's wings freeze over. I switch to a single shotgun and shoot the wings to pieces. I switch my shotgun for a chained harpoon and slam its blade into the Sphinx's head. I then jump off the Sphinx and pull the chain picking up the top half of it.

Ruby and Qrow combine scythes and cut the Sphinx in half. Before it fully disappears it launches a fireball into the tracks ahead of us. The train becomes airborne which makes me jump, catch Ruby and use my body to protect her. When I stop moving I open my eyes and look down to see Ruby safe and unscathed. I sigh in relief and stand up.

Qrow: "You kids okay?"

Ruby: "Yep."

Woman: "Still kicking."

We look behind us to see a small elderly woman walking out of the train.

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