Initiation Pt 2

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Schnee: "I mean... this way. It's definitely this way. Alright, it's official, we passed it."

Ruby: "Why can't you just admit that you have no idea where we're going?"

Schnee: "Because I know exactly where we're going."

Y/N: *through ring* "Then by all means, where are we heading?"

Schnee: "We're heading... to the forest temple."

Y/N: "Really?"

Schnee: "Shut up."

Suddenly Ruby begins moving making me curious. She stops by some bushes and pushes them to the side to see a Nevermore sleeping ten yards in front of us.

Y/N: "Don't you dare."

She smiles before running to the Nevermore and hopping onto its back. The Nevermore squawks and begins taking flight. The Schnee barely makes it on before the Nevermore takes to the sky and flies at breakneck speeds. 

Schnee: "I told you this was a terrible idea!!"

Ruby: "We're fine!! Stop worrying!"

Schnee: "I am so far beyond worrying!"

Ruby: "In a good way!?"

Schnee: "In a bad way! In a very bad way!"

Ruby: "Well why don't we just jump!?"

Schnee: "Are you insane!?"

By the time she is mid sentence Ruby jumps towards the ground. As we free fall Ruby speaks the phrase.

Ruby: "Emerge!"

I appear beside her and carry her bridal style. I stick my legs out and slam into the ground cracking it and causing a crater. I set Ruby down and stretch out my legs. I look to my right to see a Ursa fall down to the ground with a ginger riding its back.

Bow: "Did she ride in on a Ursa?"

I hear another noise this time seeing a female running to us with a Deathstalker right behind her.

Bow: "Did she run here with a Deathstalker following her?"

Y/N: "Seems like it."

Ruby: "Uh, guys?"

We look at her then follow her finger to see the Schnee still hanging on the the Nevermore.

Bow: "She's going to fall."

Ruby: "She'll be fine."

Y/N: "She's falling."

Jaune jumps onto a tree branch then jumps catching Weiss. Unfortunately he fails to remember gravity and falls screaming. He lands on his chest then has Weiss land on his back. 

Yang: "Great now that everyone's here, we can all die."

Ruby: "Not if I can do anything!"

Y/N: "Ruby wait!"

She rushes at the Deathstalker only to get swatted away.

Ruby: "Don't worry. Totally fine."

She looks behind her and fires while running back to us. The Nevermore launches some of its feathers and one pins Ruby down by her cloak. The Deathstalker raises its stinger to Ruby which makes me relive something. My muscles tighten and I run to the Deathstalker and shoulder bash it away from Ruby. I turn to Ruby and yank the Nevermore feather out of the ground.

Y/N: "Run."

Ruby: "What?"

Y/N: "I want you to take the others and run back to the cliffs."

Ruby: "But what about you?"

Y/N: "I'll meet you there. Now go."

I draw my weapons and run towards the giant Grimm.

Ruby POV

Y/N runs towards the Deathstalker and Nevermore while I turn towards the others.

Ruby: "We need to leave."

Bow: "What about him?"

Yang: "He can handle himself, trust me."

They look at Y/N before grabbing a relic and running towards the cliff. When we arrive we see everyone watching a video feed of Y/N fighting.


I flip over the Deathstalker's pincers and fire three shots to its face. The thought of almost losing Ruby makes memories of Summer's death come flooding back. I scream in anger and deliver a deep slash to the Deathstalker's side. It screeches in pain before waving its pincer and swatting me to the side. I plant my feet on a tree and explode off of it back towards the Deathstalker. It goes to grab me when I slide under and pick it up.

I twirl it around then chuck it into the Nevermore grounding it. The Nevermore squawks at the Deathstalker before launching its feathers at me. I easily cut and fire them away which spooks the Nevermore. The Deathstalker gets back up and charges at me. I holster my weapons and catch both of its pincers then smile; I pull its pincers down to the ground then stomp on them breaking them off. The Deathstalker screeches in pain before I tear off its lower snapper and bring back its upper snapper. 

I kick the Deathstalker's chin which sends it up exposing its stomach. I swing its top snapper and fully cut the Deathstalker in half. I look at the Nevermore that squawks and takes flight to try and escape my wrath. I growl before sending my right arm forward sending out a chained harpoon that impales the Nevermore's back.

Y/N: "You're not going anywhere. You'll pay for trying to hurt Ruby." *grabs chain* "Come here!"

I yank the chain bringing the Nevermore to me. I draw my sword and swing it as the Nevermore passes by me. I sever the head and watch the body disintegrate to ashes. I put away my weapons and begin walking back to Ruby while feeling my anger go away.

Ruby POV

I stare in awe at Y/N's strength and can't help but smile. I knew he was good but holy cats. He really does want to keep me safe. After a few minutes Y/N finally reaches us and I wrap my arms around him.

Ruby: "Thank you."

Y/N: *returns hug and smiles* "You're welcome kid."

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