Battle At Haven

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Yang: "How do you lose your map at a time like that?"

Y/N: "That's what I've been asking."

Nora: "But he made up for it. You should've seen him when he keep a Petra Gigas in place like it was nothing."

Ruby: "That's just one of the many things great about Y/N, he's really strong."

They refill their bowls as the topic changes.

Ruby: "You didn't!"

Weiss: "Yep, right in front of everyone."

Yang: "Please say you let her have it."

Weiss: "Of course not. Even if I really wanted to."

Nora: "I don't believe it."

An ice Borbatusk appears next to Nora which scares her out of her seat. We laugh at her reaction when Yang stands up and shows off her new robotic right arm.

Yang: "It's not a replacement but I'll make good use of it."

Ruby: "And it's as strong?"

Yang: "Yep."

Nora: "Prove it."

Her and Yang lock hands and begin having an arm wrestle match. 

Nora: "It feels like the original."

Yang: "Yeah, but it does have some new features."

Yang presses a button and her arm launches itself away from her. Nora hits the wall and screams at Yang's disconnected arm. Yang reattaches her arm and we head to the living room. 

Weiss: "So Maidens, magic and Salem are actually real?"

Qrow: "Yep."

Ozpin: "Does this line up with everything your mother told you Yang?"

Weiss: "Mostly."

Yang: "Except what you did to her and Qrow."

Ozpin: "Like the Maidens I too possess magic. It's dwindling but I used a small percent of it to let the Branwens move untethered by their natural bodies. It just so happens that I gave them the ability to turn into birds."

Yang: "Why even do something like that?"

Qrow: "It was our choice. It's what we wanted."

Ozpin: "I never meant to lie to you Ms. Xiao Long, it's just that there's some things I'd like to keep close to my chest. Everyone has a choice, and now so do you all. If any of you want to leave now is the chance. You won't be judged for there's only shame in retreating."

We stay silent which makes Ozpin sigh.

Ozpin: "Very well."

Yang stands up which confuses us.

Yang: "If you want us to help you then you can't keep lying to us, no more lies or half truths."

Ozpin: "Understood."

Some time later Ruby puts on my ring and we head to the academy. We enter to see Lionheart at the top of the staircase. 

Lionheart: "There's more of you."

Qrow: "The more the merrier. So what's the news on the council?"

Lionheart: "Why do you have your weapons?"

Qrow: "What? We're Huntsmen. What's going on?"

Y/N: *telepathically* "Ruby."

Ruby: *in head* "Yes?"

Y/N: "Keep your guard up, something isn't right."

Ruby: "Rodger."

Yang: "Mom?"

We look and see a raven transform into a woman.

Qrow: "What're you doing here Raven?"

Raven: "I could ask you that."

Qrow: "Hand over the Spring Maiden and let's beat Salem together."

Raven: "You can't beat her!"

Ruby: "You're wrong. We've all done things people would say can't be done. But we did them together. Help us and we just might have a chance at stopping Salem."

Raven: "You sound just like your mother."

Raven opens a portal with her sword with a fireball coming out of it. I release myself and cut the fireball away. I lower my sword and see Cinder and company walking out of the portal. I ready myself when the doors to the academy open and in walks a tall man. 

Giant: "The grounds have been secured, there's no getting in or out."

Weiss: "Was this a trap?"

Y/N: "Looks like it."

We all stare each other down when I send out a chain and wrap it around Emerald's waist. I pull it tight and swing her into Mercury. I recall the chain when a fireball hits my back. I turn around and see Cinder smiling while making another fireball. I bring back my sword and run at Cinder. She slams her fireball down on me but I flip over her and cut open the back of her dress. She growls before making a sword and swinging it at me.

I block her blade and kick her into an academy pillar. I walk to her while leaning left and right avoiding her fireballs. She screams in anger then runs at me. I block her attack and smile; she grits her teeth then plunges a dagger into my side. I lean forward when she slams my face on her knee. She then kicks me back with my back colliding with the academy wall. I look forward just in time to see Ruby get knocked out. Anger fills me and I activate my light.

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