The Victory Party

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A few days later me and Ruby load up onto a supply truck and ride it out towards Amity.

Ruby: "Not that I'm bored but why not just take these supplies to Amity by airship?"

Penny: "Because the supplies are too heavy. We need all the Dust we have for the launch. As well as for the Grimm that'll come after."

Ruby: "It's just these trips are super long."

Penny: "At least we have the scenery."

Ruby: "Right."

Penny: "I just wanna say that I'm excited to be working with you professionally. As friends."

Ruby: "Same here." *looks forward* "Uncle Qrow?"

Qrow: "Grimm?"

Clover: "Worse. Qrow and Ruby with me. Penny, you stay here with the supplies."

Penny: "Affirmative."

We exit the truck and walk in front of it to find two females blocking our path. 

Clover: "Robyn, mantle's very own hero. There a reason for blocking our path?"

Robyn: "Yes, why is this supply truck heading to the middle of nowhere instead of Mantle? You lost?"

Clover: "It's easy to get that way. But we're fine, we'll be going now."

Robyn: *sigh* "I was hoping you'd be honest. What's Ironwood doing with Amity at the SDC mine?"

Clover: "Just giving her a check up is all."

Robyn: "That doesn't explain the automated drones and the few select scientists allowed there."

Clover: "You've been spying."

Robyn: "Mantle needs those supplies. We at least deserve to know what they're being used for."

Clover: "I'm afraid that's not possible."

Robyn: "Shame. What about you two? You wanna tell me what's going on?"

Clover: "Enough Robyn. As councilwoman you should focus on the election. Now let us pass."

Robyn: "You've seemed to have misread the situation. Those supplies are going to Mantle, one way or another."

Clover: "Then do it legally."

We stare each other down when Penny bursts out of the truck and lands on the roof.

Penny: "Robyn Hill. Please kindly call off the Huntresses approaching the truck."

Robyn: "Fine. Joanna, May."

We look and see two females appear out of thin air.

Penny: "Please let us through."

Robyn sighs before unblocking our path and letting us pass. We drive down the road when Ruby's scroll goes off. She opens it up and a newsfeed of Jacques is displayed.

Jacques: "If you elect me as Councilman then I swear that I will help you out. Ironwood has made it difficult for any supplies to get in or out of Atlas. Because of this I will be forced to close down all non essential SDC businesses. If elected I promise I will do what is necessary in order to repair the damages that Ironwood has created. So when it comes time for voting, I want you all to ask yourselves, 'can I trust Ironwood or Robyn to get me my jobs back?"

Some time later I walk with Ruby to the location of Robyn's victory party. When we get there Ruby walks with Penny behind the stage.

Marrow: "What're you doing here?"

Y/N: *through ring* "If you have a problem then take it up with me."

Marrow: "Just try not to be too much of a distraction. We need to be on alert in case-"

May: "In case what?"

Marrow: "In case there's trouble."

May: "Very funny, but that's why we're here. So feel free to take a hike."

Robyn: "What's going on?"

Marrow: "We're just concerned about security risks."

Robyn: "Fine, just stay out of the way."

She walks onto the stage and begins giving a speech. Meanwhile Ruby walks us to the front of the crowd and watch the votes come in.

TV: "We're in the final moments now and it's looking like a landslide for Robyn."

Crowd: "Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. On-"

The lights go out and we hear something hitting the floor. Ruby summons me and I activate the light in my eyes allowing me to see through the darkness. I scan the room until my eyes land on Tyrian killing people. I summon my weapons and run to him.

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