Battle At Oniyuri

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Man: "Two against one, this fight will be interesting."

Qrow: "So what's this guy's deal?"

Y/N: "He's after Ruby."

Qrow: "I don't know who you are but you won't have her."

Tyrian: "You can call me Tyrian, my assignment is to get the girl and I mustn't disappoint my master."

Qrow: "Salem."

Tyrian: "Enough talk, time for fighting."

He rushes at us with me blocking his right blade. Qrow brings down his sword but has it blocked by Tyrian's left blade. Qrow and I both kick his ribs which makes Tyrian gasp; I withdraw my gun and fire launching Tyrian towards Qrow. Qrow kicks Tyrian back to me where I slam the pommel on my sword into his chest. He coughs before twisting his body and kicking me into the ground. He brings down his blades but I backflip uppercutting his chin. 

Qrow slams his foot into Tyrian's jaw making him skid across the ground. He flips to his feet and opens fire at us. I stand in front of Qrow and cut the bullets out of the air. Meanwhile Qrow runs out from behind me and runs towards Tyrian. Qrow swings downwards which makes Tyrian quit shooting and use both of his blades to block Qrow's attack. 

I rush in and cut behind Tyrian's knees taking him down. He falls to his knees while I swing my sword which he blocks. I deliver a left hook which knocks his face to Qrow. Qrow kicks Tyrian's jaw knocking him onto his back. He spins and takes out both of our legs. Tyrian springs to his feet and begins running away. We get to our feet and run after him. We chase him up a building with me blocking his left and Qrow blocking his right.

Tyrian tucks his body in and dives into the open roof. Cutting is heard when the entire roof caves in. I shake my head and look forward to see Qrow get knocked through the side of the building. I burst out of the building and look left to see a beam about to fall on Ruby. I run to her but luckily Qrow cuts the beam in half saving her. Unluckily Tyrian scratches Qrow's side with his stinger.

I holster my sword and grab ahold of Tyrian's tail. I rip three quarters of it off then kick Tyrian away. He stumbles his feet and shakily runs to us. I grab Nora's hammer and swing launching Tyrian into the distance. I sigh and hand Nora her hammer back then stand next to Qrow. I hold out my hand which makes him smile then grab it.

Y/N: "Just like old times."

Qrow: "Yeah, except this time you got injured."

I roll my eyes before regrouping with the others and setting up camp in the woods. I light us a fire then sit down while feeling my left eye. I sigh in relief feeling no scars. I lower my hand when Qrow sits down and tells us something about Maidens and magic.

Ruby: "That guy, why was he after me?"

Y/N: "Remember when I said your eyes make you special?"

Ruby: "Yes."

Y/N: "Well it seems that you using them seems to have made some bad people upset. Your eyes are a rare thing to have. So the fact that you have them and have used them isn't good."

Jaune: "What's it all mean though?"

Qrow: "This world's old, old enough where dozens of gods have been made. But according to Ozpin only two were ever real, the god of light and the god of darkness. They were brothers and were always fighting. One day after seeing how petty their fighting was light proposed that they make something together. And thus humanity was created."

Jaune: "What does it have to do with us?"

Qrow: "Before the brothers left they gave man four gifts; creation, destruction, knowledge and choice. The thing is they all exist in a tangible form. While powerful on their own, bring all four together and the whole world would be at your mercy. And that's just what our enemy wants."

Ruby: "Enemy?"

Qrow: "Salem." *stands up* "Alright, that's it for story time. Go get some sleep, we have a long hike tomorrow."

They get into their sleeping bags while I sit on a stump and take watch all night. Come morning I hear Qrow coughing. I walk to him and look under his bandages to see a purple liquid leaking from his scratch.

Qrow: "That's not good."

I recover his wound before picking him up and carrying him on our journey.

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