Mt. Glenn

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Ruby walks into room when Yang walks to us.

Yang: "We got a package."

Ruby: "What is it?"

Yang: "Don't know yet. Dad sent it, so I thought we could open it together."

Ruby: "Ooh! Something from home!"

Yang shakes the package as a black roll falls out of it. The roll unfolds and barks twice.

Ruby: "Zweiiiiii!!!!"

Blake: "He sent a dog!?"

Weiss: "By mail!?"

Yang: "Oh he always does stuff like this all the time."

Blake: "Your father or the dog?"

Y/N: *through ring* "Pretty sure it's both."

Zwei's head perks up and he begins looking around trying to find my voice. Ruby lets me out and the moment Zwei sees me he jumps and knocks me to the ground while licking my face and wagging his tail.

Zwei: *bark*

Y/N: "I suppose it has been awhile."

Weiss: "You understand him?"

Ruby: "He can talk to animals."

Yang: "When was the last you saw Zwei?"

Y/N: "Back when he was a pup. If memory serves me correctly Ruby was still in diapers at that point."

Weiss: "How old are you?"

Y/N: "A lot older than I appear."

Glynda: *P.A.* "All first year students please report to the amphitheater."

Weiss: "We can't exactly leave him here for a week."

Yang: "Hey, a letter. Dear girls, I've got to leave the island for a few days. So I'm sending Zwei for you to take care of. Enclosed is all the food you should need. Love you both, dad."

She tilts the cylindrical package making a mountain of food fall on Zwei.

Yang: "That settles it. Come on guys, Zwei will be here when we get back."

I get called back into my ring and watch Ruby smuggle Zwei into her backpack. I don't say anything and just let it be. When we reach the amphitheater Ozpin gives us a speech about the great war and what we'll be doing for the next few days. When he was finished we head to the mission board to select one only to have it denied.

Blake: "What now?"

Ruby: "We send ourselves by mail."

Ozpin: "That's one way. But, we have determined that the sheer amount of Grimm spotted there is simply too much for first years. But for some reason I have this feeling you five will somehow find yourselves there matter what happens."

Ruby: "I wonder what would make you feel that way."

Ozpin: "So how about instead of waiting for you all to break the rules, we bend them to your favor?"

He taps his scroll twice and our mission is accepted.

Ruby: "You won't regret this professor."

Ozpin: "Just remember, the world out there is cruel and unforgiving. So be sure to stay safe and by your teammates."

Ruby: "We will."

We head out to the waiting airships and I feel everyone become slightly despaired seeing Oobleck.

Weiss: "Professor Oobleck?"

Oobleck: "Yes, I shall be the Huntsman you will shadow. Those bags won't be necessary so you are to leave them here. Since we are essentially on a reconnaissance mission, we will not establish a single base of operations. Instead we will traverse over several miles of dangerous wasteland and making camp in any acceptable place that we may see. I've done all the packing myself, plotted the air course and..." *stands in front of Weiss* "It's Dr. Oobleck, I have a PhD. Now come along, we are already behind schedule."

We follow him to the airship and take off to our destination. When we arrive we look around until we stumble across a pack of Beowolves. The girls easily takes care of them which allows us to keep looking until we set up camp and Oobleck orders for Ruby to follow him. We are led to a cliff and see Goliaths in the distance.

Ruby: "What is that?"

Oobleck: "Those are Grimm."

Ruby: "Let's kill it."

Y/N: *through ring* "No, the only thing Crescent Rose will do is make them angry."

Ruby: "But what if they attack us?"

Oobleck: "Fret not, those Goliaths are not concerned about us. Not every Grimm is mindless. Or rather, not all Grimm is still mindless. The Grimm you see before you are so powerful that they've undoubtedly lived for hundreds of years. And in that time between killing humans and attacking our borders, they've done one important thing, they've learned. They've learned that when they attack our borders they're likely to die. And what we lack in strength we make make up for in will. And that killing one human will only bring more."

Ruby: "Then why are they still so close to the city? What are they doing?"

Y/N: "Waiting."

Ruby: "Dr. Oobleck?"

Oobleck: "Hmmm?"

Ruby: "I was wondering-"

Oobleck: "Wondering why I've been interrogating your teammates all day?"

Ruby: "Actually I was wondering... why did you become a Huntsman?"

Oobleck: "Look around, what do you see?"

Ruby: "Lots of building with empty streets."

Oobleck: "I see lives that could've been saved. As a Huntsman, it is my job to protect the people. And although I am capable of doing it with traditional weaponry, I believe I can make a much larger impact if I do it with my mind."

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