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Ruby walks into a store and heads to the back. She looks around when she speaks the phrase. I am brought to the real world and am allowed to peruse the store. I grab some slimgrims and a magazine then head back to Ruby. 

Y/N: "Want one?"

Ruby: "Sure."

I hand her a slimgrim and begin reading the magazine when the store bell rings. I look at the front and see some men walking into the store.

Main man: "Finally, do you know how hard it is to find a store that's still open at this hour?"

Owner: "P-please, just take my Lien and leave."

Main man: "Relax, we're not after the money." *to other men* "Grab the Dust."

I put down the magazine and walk to the robbers. I grab one of the men's shoulder and toss him into another man.

Main man: "Get him."

Two men run at me with swords at the ready which I smile at. I take a step and zoom past them while clotheslining them. I grab their ankles, slam them together and toss them into the walls.

Y/N: "That all you got?"

The rest of the man's goons aim their guns and cock them back. They start firing but I summon my sword and easily cut and slice the bullets keeping them from hitting me. The men run out of ammo when I whistle and see Ruby burst into rose petals appearing in front of me. She runs at a man and tackles him through the window. I follow after her and see she deployed Crescent Rose. I summon my weapons and charge at the men. I vault over one and kick another one back. 

I kick one man in his stomach then punch him into the ground. I duck under a sword strike and fire into the owner's stomach. They get blown back and collide with another person. I turn around fire at a man charging at Ruby. One man manages to cut open my chest which makes me look at him. I grab his face and throw him through a building. I look over at Ruby and see her deal with the last man. He lands next to the main man who just takes a puff of his cigar.

Man: "You were worth every penny. Well squirt looks like this is where I take my leave."

The man aims his cane at Ruby and fires a blast at her. I rush forward and take the hit for her. I dust myself off and look to the side to see the man fleeing up a fire escape. I run after him and quickly ascend reaching the roof top. I am joined by Ruby and together we corner the man. 

Y/N: "Nowhere to run."

Suddenly an airship appears and the man hops into it. He tosses a Dust crystal at us but I quickly shoot it before it can reach us. I aim my gun when I am joined by a blonde haired woman in a skirt. The woman waves her wand which sends beams of light at the airship. The beams hit the airship which makes it shake. The woman fires a blast which summons storm clouds. Icicles rain down on the airship when I spot a figure looking at us. They send fire blasts at us but I swing my sword waving it away.

I look down and see the embers of the attack light up. I push Ruby and the woman back and take the brunt of the attack. The woman waves her wand and uses the rubble from the explosion to make a spear. The woman sends the spear towards the airship but the unknown figure uses fire to blast it apart. The woman makes the last section split apart and hit different parts of the airship. The figure emits a blast which fully destroys the spear. The figure then waves their hand and a row of flaming circles appear under us. I pick Ruby up and run away right as the circles explode. I look at the airship to see it flying off. I set Ruby down and she looks at the woman with eyes of wonder.

Ruby: "You're a Huntress! Can I have an autograph!?"

The woman simply hmphs and drags us to a police station. While we wait Ruby recalls me back into the ring. I look forward and see the woman walking into the room.

Woman: "I hope you're aware of the severity of your actions. You put not only yourself but others in danger."

Ruby: "They started it."

Woman: "If it were my call, you'd be sent home with a pat on the back... and a slap on the wrist. But... there's someone here who wishes to speak with you."

The woman steps to the side and we see a man with gray hair, a green suit, a plate of cookies and a mug in his hands walk into the room. 

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