Ironwood's Plan

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I am recalled into my ring and ride with everyone. We eventually arrive at Atlas academy where Penny spots us.

Penny: "You made it."

Ironwood and Winter turn around and are made aware of our presence.

Weiss: "Winter."

Nora: *shows cuffs* "Wanna give us a hand?"

Winter: "You have ten seconds to free them before I resort to violence."

The guards unlock their cuffs and we are led to Ironwood's office.

Ironwood: "It's good to see you all again."

Y/N: *through ring* "Didn't feel that way when we arrived."

Ironwood: "Who's that?"

Y/N: "Name's Y/N, that's all."

Ironwood: "I'm sorry, but you must understand. When an unmarked airship enters our airspace it put us a little on edge. We thought it might've been stolen."

Ruby: "Stolen? Heh. Okay it was."

Winter: "You stole an Atlas airship? What were you thinking!? You could've-"

She is cut off by Weiss hugging her.

Weiss: "I'm sorry, but we did what we had to."

Winter: "I suppose I understand. But I can't believe you let them do something like this Qrow."

Y/N: "It's not just him. I had a hand in it."

Qrow: "Speaking of, we have matters we need to discuss that are 'confidential."

Penny: "Oh, the relics?"

Winter: "Or the Winter Maiden?"

Qrow: "They know?"

Ironwood: *puts lamp on desk* "You weren't the only one to come up with a new plan after Beacon. With Oz gone I needed people of my own I could trust. So I told them as well as the Ace-Ops. Which makes me glad that you're here with the lamp. Up until now I thought it was impossible to turn the tide against Salem. Oz pushed her back and kept victory out of her grasp, but she'll always return stronger than last time. That is unless we destroy her."

Ruby: "What about the Atlas relic?"

Penny: "It's safe underneath Atlas."

Qrow: "And the Maiden?"

Winter: "In stable condition."

Yang: "What's that-"

Qrow: "She's uh... past her prime."

Ironwood: "I'm aware of how this all looks. Recalling my troops and the embargo? I might not look like the most trustworthy right now."

Blake: "Then why keep it up?"

Nora: "People of Mantle are suffering."

Ironwood: "I needed to make sure Salem couldn't get into Atlas. I needed military here so they could protect my people."

Yang: "But they're not protecting your people! It's making everyone hate you."

Ironwood: "That's a price I'm willing to pay."

Ironwood presses a button on his desk and the room is darkened. A table then comes out of the ground.

Ironwood: "Ozpin believed the best way to beat Salem was to do so in secret. But we find ourselves in need of finding a new approach."

Qrow: "Which is?"

Ironwood presses a button that makes a hologram of Amity Colosseum be displayed.

Jaune: "Amity."

Ironwood: "Amity was built to bring the world together. And she shall once again serve the purpose."

Penny: "Ain't this great? We're going to build a new tower and reestablish communications."

Winter: "By putting Amity into the air, we believe can create a satellite that'll be out of reach of the Grimm."

Qrow: "But you won't need the entire Atlas military for this."

Ironwood: "I will for what comes next. When we tell the world about Salem."

Y/N: *telepathically* "Be careful Ruby."

Ruby: *in head* "What's wrong?"

Y/N :"Something about this just doesn't feel right. If he were to do this then all hell will break loose."

Ruby: "So what do you suppose?"

Y/N: "Play along for now. But don't tell him about what we know about Salem."

Ruby: "There a reason?"

Y/N: "The way he talks. He's letting paranoia guide him. If you tell him then there's no telling what he'll do."

Ruby: "Ok, I'll keep quiet."

Ironwood: "I don't understand, why isn't Ozpin speaking?"

Ruby: "We don't know. We were in a train crash and since then he's been dark."

Ironwood: "That's a shame. Did you at least learn anything from the relics?"

Ruby: "No, all the questions have been used up already."

Ironwood: "This just isn't good. Oh well, you're safe in Atlas now. Maybe we can work together to bring Oz back."

Ironwood walks to his desk and gives Ruby the relic. 

Ruby: "You're giving it back to us?"

Ironwood: "You brought it here, so it seems safer with you."

Ruby: *clips lamp to hip* "Thank you General."

Ironwood: "You're welcome. Now onto other matters, I couldn't help but notice the state of you weapons and was... disappointed. I think it's time we got them up to Atlas standards."

Winter: "While serving Atlas you'll be provided the best equipment we can give you."

We exit Ironwood's office until we meet the people who restrained us.

Man: "I'd like to immediately apologize for what happened in Mantle."

Y/N: "I don't."

Woman: "You really held your own against us."

Y/N: "I would've won."

Man2: "Maybe next time we can have a fair rematch."

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