The End Of School

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I fling the chain over my shoulder making the girl slam her back on the airship. The girl gets to her feet and runs at me with her parasol ready. She swings it but I duck under it and uppercut her chin. She lands on her hands and springs herself slamming her feet into my stomach. I grab her legs and throw her off the airship. She disappears and manages to cut open the back of my clothes. I go to grab her when she disappears again and cuts open the front of my clothes.

I growl and stomp the ground rocking the whole ship. This causes the girl to appear and stumble. I grab her throat and slam her onto the ground. I deliver a right hook which she tilts to the side to dodge. She kicks my knee in and gets me in an armlock. I hear my arm pop but jump to my feet and slam her onto the ground. She lets go and I aim my gun at her. She springs off into a backflip and kicks my gun out of my hand.

The girl then draws a sword from her parasol and slashes at my chest cutting into my skin and tearing my clothes. I grab her sword which she tries to yank free. My hand gets sliced open but I maintain my grip and break her sword in half. I then slam the broken tip into her stomach making her slouch forward. She shatters like glass making me turn around. I receive a sword through the chest courtesy of the girl.

She smiles when I return it and headbutt her away. I pull her sword out of me and walk towards the girl. I grab the girl by her ankle and toss her off the airship. I look back at Ruby to see Roman is gone and Ruby falling off the airship. I run and dive off the airship; I tuck in my limbs which makes me fall faster and finally reach Ruby. I cover her with my body and take all the damage from the crashing. We stumble to our feet and run towards the others. As we run we hear clashing at the top of Beacon Tower.

When we reach the top we see Pyrrha fall to the ground not moving. A bright light engulfs the area and I am blinded. I regain my sight to see Cinder on the ground and Ruby fall down. I walk over to Pyrrha and place my fingers on her neck. I sigh and walk back over to Ruby. I pick her up bridal style and turn around to see Qrow standing there. He picks up Pyrrha and we walk towards the evacuation airships.


I patiently sit outside Ruby's room when Tai walks to me.

Tai: "She's going to be okay."

Y/N: "I know, I just don't want to lose her, not like Summer."

Tai: "You won't lose her."

I half smile when I hear rustling inside the room. I charge into the room and see Ruby is finally awake.

Y/N: "Thank Oum you're awake."

Ruby: "What happened? How did I get home?"

Y/N: "I brought you here."

Ruby: "What happened to the school? Vale? Were they able to clear out the Grimm?"

Y/N: "No. Vale is still overridden, and the school, well, no longer exists. For some unknown reason the Grimm seem to be constantly lurking around."

Ruby: "When we were on Beacon Tower, my eyes felt weird and some kind of light came out of them. What was that?"

Y/N: "Remember when we first met Ozpin and he mentioned your silver eyes?"

Ruby: "Yes. What about them?"

Y/N: "Your mother had them too. They make you special. If you believe the legends, then supposedly those born with silver eyes can kill a Grimm with a simple gaze."

Ruby: "They can do that?"

Y/N: "According to legends. And going off what happened at Beacon Tower, I would reckon so."

Ruby: "So what do I do?"

Y/N: "I don't know, but know this. No matter what you choose I will always stand by you."


After several months Ruby slips on my ring and heads outside the house where we see JNR waiting for us.

Y/N: *through ring* "Are you sure this is what you want to do?"

Ruby: "Yes. I don't know if we'll get the answers we want, but this seems like our best bet."

Ren: "The road ahead will be long and dangerous."

Jaune: "No if we stick together, as a team."

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