Where I'm From

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*flashback 3rd POV*

Resting between the realm of life and death is the god of Light. He hands glow as a amorphous blob of light materializes into existence. The blob pulsates before taking the form of Y/N. Y/N looks at his hands then at Light and bows. 

Light: "Rise."

Y/N listens and stands before his creator.

Y/N: "Who am I? What am I doing here?"

Light: "All of your questions will be answered in due time. But first you must be taught the ways of the world. Follow me."

Light begins walking away with Y/N following closely behind him.

*small timeskip Y/N POV*

Light: "You possess an extraordinary amount of power. You possess light itself; it is your greatest asset against the darkness."

Y/N: "Darkness?"

Light: "There exists a place known as Remnant. It was once a paradise but soon it fell into ruin. Now darkness hangs over it. To dispel the darkness you'll need to learn to harness the light within you. Start by closing your eyes and imagining yourself as a pillar of light."

I close my eyes and focus. Soon this warm sensation envelopes me and it feels like I can take on an entire army. I open my eyes and see my body bathed in light.

Light: "Very good. Now that you have your light, you need to learn how to use it. Imagine a weapon and will it into existence."

I nod and imagine a sword. A flash of light emits and I see a sword just materialized into my hand. I give a few good swings and it's perfect.

Light: "Good, now fight."

Y/N: "Huh?"

Light makes a sword and swings with me barely blocking it. I smile at my small feat and see Light show happiness.


It's been a long time since Light brought me into existence and he's taught me so much. I walk up to him and kneel showing my respect.

Y/N: "You wanted to see me?"

Light: "Yes, as you know I've been personally training you for the past centuries. Now it's time to begin your true mission."

Y/N: "Which is?"

Light: "Sending you to Remnant."

Y/N: "What for?"

Light: "There are people there who need your help. They possess a power similar to yours. Their kind is in danger and they're dying faster than they can learn to use their power. So my assignment is for you to go to them and protect them as they learn to harness their power."

A light shines on my finger and I see a gold ring with runes engraved on it.

Light: "This ring shall be your connection to them. Have them put it on and speak 'emerge.' This will allow them to call upon you when they need help. To dismiss you just have them say 'recall."

Y/N: "I will not fail this mission."

Light: "I know, I have faith in you. When you reach Remnant follow the first bird you see. They will lead you to your mission."

In an instant I find myself in Remnant. I look to the heavens and see a bird flying south. I run after it until I come across a small cottage. I ring the doorbell and test something out. I focus and feel myself be sucked into my ring. The door opens and a woman with brown hair answers. She looks down and picks up my ring. She smiles and takes it inside where she is greeted by a little girl.

Girl: "Who was it mommy?"

Woman: "I don't know, but they left this ring, here."

Girl: *takes ring* "Thanks mommy."

The girl puts the ring on and runs to her room. When she shuts the door I decide to make myself known.

Y/N: *through ring* "Hello."

Girl: "Who said that?"

Y/N: "I did."

Girl: "You're a talking ring?"

Y/N: "Not quite."

I emerge out of my ring and smile. However the girl screams and shouts.

Girl: "Stranger danger!!!"

Y/N: "Uh oh."

The girl's mom bursts into the room and upon spotting me she grabs a frying pan. 

Woman: "What're you doing in my house!?"

Y/N: "I'm here because of her."

I point to the girl which makes the mom whack my head with the frying pan.

*small timeskip*

Woman: "So you're a person sent here to help protect my daughter?"

Y/N: *rubs bump on head* "Essentially. Your daughter has a power that makes her really special. It also puts her in danger, but my job is to make sure nothing happens to her."

Woman: "How do I know this isn't a load of hogwash?"

Y/N: "Girl, say recall."

Girl: "Recall."

A light shines and I'm pulled into my ring.

Y/N: *through ring* "Believe me now?"

Woman: "Kinda hard to after seeing that."

Y/N: "Good. What's your name little girl? Since we're going to be partners I shouldn't keep calling you girl."

Summer: "My name's Summer, Summer Rose."

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