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Maria: "Run! Now!"

I pick up Ruby and run with others through the maze like waterways. We arrive at the basement where I set Ruby down and we scramble for the door. However the Apathies groan and everyone's strength leaves them. I look behind me and see Blake about to be grabbed by an Apathy. 

Thankfully Ruby's eyes shine and the Apathies are pushed back. The others get up and get closer to the door when again the Apathies saps away their strength. I walk to Ruby and have her look at me.

Y/N: "Listen closely Ruby. I need you to focus on all your friends and family. Think about how happy they make you feel and how much you want to keep them safe. Use that to fuel the light in your eyes."

She sits up and her eyes shine killing all of the Apathies. Once they're dealt Yang punches open the doors and we bolt of the basement. We then hop aboard the trailer and peel out away from the farm. Once we get a little ways down the round I relax when Ruby recalls me into my ring.

Ruby: *in head* "Hey Y/N."

Y/N: *telepathically* "Yes?"

Ruby: "How did you know what to say to make my eyes work?"

Y/N: "Because that's what helps me use my light."

Ruby: "Light?"

Y/N: "I'm like you, I have the ability to harness the light to dispel the darkness. It's what gives me my power."

Ruby: "How-"

She is cut off by her scroll ringing. 

Ruby: "Hello? Jaune! Huh? The city?"

Yang speeds up then stops which confuses us.

Yang: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the great city of Argus."

She parks and we take in the sights of the city when there is a loud voice.

Nora: "Cute boy Oz!!!"

He gets tackled to the ground when the rest of team JNR arrives. We all say our hellos when I feel this warm presence making its way to us.

Y/N: *through ring* "Long time no see."

Pyrrha: "Hello again."

RWBY: "Pyrrha!!!"

Ruby: "Where've you been!?!"

Pyrrha: "Here. I got hurt pretty bad at Beacon, so bad I had to be put into a medically induced coma. I woke up quite awhile ago and have just been enjoying my time here."

Y/N: "We're glad to have you here with us."

Nora: "Come on, we'll show you around town."

We hop aboard a trolley and get a good look at Argus. 

Yang: "Argus is a lot bigger than I thought."

Ren: "It's one of the largest non capital cities in all of Remnant."

Ruby: "But wouldn't it be hard to settle a town of this size outside the kingdom?"

Jaune: "Normally, but that's where Mantle came in. Early attempts here made by Mistral went bad. But Mantle colonists helped them and returned supplies Solitas couldn't give them."

Ren: "Despite falling under Mistral territory, Atlas keeps a military presence to help keep everyone safe."

We end our tour at the center of Argus.

Ruby: "So where've you guys been staying?"

Jaune: "Well..."

Woman: "Found you."

We turn around and see a woman who looks like Jaune in female form. We follow her back to her house and just chill out when Ruby walks up to one of the spare rooms and sits down on the bed.

Ruby: "Emerge."

Y/N: *appears* "Did you need something?"

Ruby: "I want you to tell me where exactly you came from."

Y/N: "Ruby I-"

Ruby: "Please Y/N. Don't be like Ozpin and hide secrets. I want to know."

Y/N: "Okay, for you. But it'll be hard to tell so I'll just show you."

Ruby: "Show me?"

Y/N: "Yeah, I'm going to show you where I come from and how I came to protect your mother. Are you ready?"

Ruby hesitates before nodding her head. I cup her cheeks and activate my light. The world goes up in light and I transport us to my origins.

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