Kuroyuri's Nuckelavee

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I carry Qrow down the road when Ruby speaks.

Ruby: "How much further?"

Ren: "I don't know, it's hard to tell without the map. But it feels like we're getting close to something."

He stops and runs forward to a road sign.

Ruby: "Does it say how close we are?"

Ren: "No, and it looks like we'll be right up the mountains."

Y/N: "He won't make that climb."

Ruby looks at Qrow then joins Ren and Nora at the sign. 

Ruby: "How about this place? Kuroyuri? Can't we get help there?"

Ren: "There's nothing left of that village."

Jaune: "But if it goes around the mountains then it's the best chance we have."

Ren: "There's no time."

Ruby: "Maybe there was once a doctor. Maybe we can find something to help Qrow."

Ren: "It's no use, there's not going to be anything. We just have to push on."

Jaune: "Ren, why are-"

Y/N: "Listen up, Ren, you and Nora head up the mountains and see what you find. If you make it to Mistral then you can bring us back help. If not then at least you'll be able to see the lay of the land."

Jaune: "Just look after each other."

Nora: "We always have."

We split up with us heading into Kuroyuri and me watching over Qrow. A roar is heard which makes the others join me. Ren and Nora soon join us when I notice Ren become scared. I look behind me to see a Nuckelavee walking to us. I withdraw my sword and ready myself. The Nuckelavee whinnies before running towards me. 

I run to it and dodge its hand. I jump onto its back and start slashing at it. The rider manages to grab ahold of my waist and throw me to the side. I look up to see the Nuckelavee going for Qrow. I activate my light, grab Qrow and instantly escape to safety. I set him down then join the others just in time to see them firing at the Nuckelavee. 

I withdraw my guns and begin firing until the rider spins its arms around around knocking everyone to the ground. Ren jumps into a tree but gets slammed into the side of a building. The Nuckelavee gets ready to crush him with its other arm when I fire my gun catching its attention. Ren falls to safety before running at the Nuckelavee. He gets knocked around  before getting knocked to the side. He recovers and we all regroup.

Ren: "We need a plan."

Ruby: "Jaune and I can take the arms."

Nora: "I got the horse."

Y/N: "I'll keep its attention."

Ren: "Leave the rest to me."

I holster my sword and fire at the Nuckelavee catching its attention. It sends its right arm at me but I limbo which allows Ruby to slam Crescent Rose into its hand. I break right and fire a bullet which makes the Nuckelavee send out its left hand. I flip over it which lets Ren slam Jaune's shield onto the arm and Jaune ram his sword through its hand. 

The Nuckelavee screeches before Nora fires her hammer and slams it onto the horse's head. Ren steps forward and cuts off the rider's arms then head finally ending the fight. The Nuckelavee bursts into a pillar of smoke which makes Mistral airships land. I am called back into my ring and follow Ruby into the airship. We arrive in Mistral where Ruby sits down at a table and begins writing.

Y/N: *through ring* "Whatcha writing?"

Ruby: "A letter to Yang. I miss her."

Y/N: "I do too. I'm sure we'll see her again."

Ruby: "I hope so."

We sit in silence for a moment before I break it.

Y/N: "What's wrong Ruby?"

Ruby: "It's just... I'm sad."

Y/N: "About?"

Ruby: "We've lost a lot of people. Beacon was destroyed, I lost my friend and worse I have people after me. I'm just so scared."

Y/N: *emerges* "Hey, there's no need to be scared. I'm here for you and I always will be. I made an oath to watch over you and be there for you. And I have no intention of breaking that oath. No matter what happens, no matter what obstacle may present itself I will always be with you. If there's ever anything that scares you just tell me and I'll gladly deal with it. I'm your protector and my job is to make sure you're safe and happy."

Ruby smiles then pulls me into a hug.

Ruby: "Thank you Y/N."

Y/N: "You're welcome."

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