Lunchtime Guardian

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Some days later and I find myself in Glynda's classroom watching Jaune fight Cardin. Jaune pants out of breath then charges at Cardin. Jaune swings his sword but gets swat away by Cardin's mace. Jaune lands on his side but gets back up and runs back at Cardin. Jaune brings down his sword but Cardin blocks it and begins pushing Jaune to the ground.

Cardin: "Give up."

Jaune: "Not on-"

He is cut off by Cardin slamming his knee into his stomach. Cardin brings his mace up but Glynda turns the lights on and walks to them.

Glynda: "That'll do Cardin. As you can see Mr. Arc's Aura has fallen into the red. If this was a tournament then this would mean he can no longer fight. Mr. Arc, it's been weeks and you still have yet to show any improvement. When in combat try to refer to your Aura level. Once you have mastered that then you will know when you should attack or defend. We wouldn't want you to be eaten by a Beowolf would we?"

Cardin: "Speak for yourself."

Glynda: "Remember, the Vytal Festival is just a few months away. Before you know it students from the other academies will be arriving. Those of you who wish to participate in the tournament will represent all of Vale, so be sure to train."

The bell rings and we are let to lunch. 

Nora: "So... there we were... in the middle of the night..."

Ren: "It was day."

Nora: "We were surrounded by Ursai."

Ren: "They were Beowolves."

Nora: "Dozens of them!"

Ren: "There were two of them."

Nora: "But it mattered not. Because in the end Ren and I killed them and made a fortune selling their hides."

Everyone laughs at her story when Ruby politely excuses herself from the table.

Y/N: *through ring* "You seem to be making new friends."

Ruby: "What? What'chu talkin bout?"

Y/N: "Think about it. Before you came here you only knew me and Yang. Now look at you, talking and laughing with six new people."

3rd POV

Ruby rolls her eyes and smiles but ends up bumping into and spilling her food onto a certain someone.

Cardin: "What the hell!?"

Cardin turns around and looks down to see Ruby with a now empty tray.

Ruby: "Oh my gosh, it was an accident!"

Cardin grabs Ruby by the front of her cloak and lifts her off the ground.

Cardin: "I don't believe you. I think you did it on purpose."

Ruby: "I didn't, I swear!!!"

Cardin reels back his fist when a hand grabs his forearm and dents his armor. Cardin looks right and sees Y/N with a whirlwind of fury in his eyes ready to be let free.


Y/N: "You are going to gently set her down and walk away or else."

Cardin: "Make me."

I tighten my grip on Cardin's arm until it snaps like a twig. He screams out in pain dropping Ruby. I catch her and gently set her down.

Y/N: "I want you to turn around and cover your ears. When you feel a hand on your shoulder then you can uncover them okay?"

Ruby: "Okay."

She does what I said allowing me to put Cardin in his place. I lift Cardin up and crack him like a human whip. The unholy sound of his arm being torn out of its socket makes the whole cafeteria groan. I slam Cardin on the ground then stomp on his already dislocated shoulder. He practically squeals in agony which just amuses me. 

Y/N: "Not so fun when you're the one getting your ass kicked is it?"

He whimpers which makes me scoff. I bring my foot up and curb stomp his so called tool into powder. Every male winces and most likely crosses their legs. I let go of his arm and grab his jaw. I reel him back and toss him out the window sending him plummeting to the ground below. I turn around and place my hand on Ruby's shoulder which makes her turn around.

Ruby: "How are you out of your ring? I didn't say the phrase."

Y/N: "It has to do with your experience level. Because it's low I can exit my ring on my own but I choose not to."

Ruby: "Why?"

Y/N: "It makes me feel like I'm taking advantage of you."

Ruby: "Where's Cardin by the way?"

Y/N: "Probably on the verge of death."

Ruby: "Sometimes I think you're too extreme."

Y/N: "Hey, my oath is protect you from harm. And since Cardin raised a hand to you he should count himself lucky I even let him live. Though I doubt anyone would miss him."

Ruby laughs and together we walk back to others. Once the bell rings I happen to whisper a certain something into Yang's ear before getting called back into my ring. Once we reach class I notice Yang's knuckles are beet red. I look to the door and see Cardin limping into the classroom with a crutch, his limbs in a cast, a neck brace, and his face black and blue and blown out. I look down at my damage and see him wearing a cone on his southern parts.

Y/N: *chuckles* "Serves you right dumbass."

The ProtectorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon