Chapter 27- Guys... I found my princess

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Chapter 27 

"Never play with the feelings of others. 

Because you may win the game but the risk is that you will surely lose the person for a life time" -Shakespeare.


Day 15 

Days left 2 days


*Anna's POV*

We all have goals in our lives. They could be huge and maybe even unreacheable like being president or as normal as getting a promotion at work. It's without doubt that these goals determine who we truly are. Are we ambitious? Optimistic? Or just a normal person who want to go through with their day?

Regarding what your goal is, regarding how insignificant or silly or even huge it is, you wake up every morning determined to accomplish one thing that brings you closer to your goal. Whether it was working hard on that presentation , or organizing that manifestation to support a cause, it's that hope, that little voice in your head that keeps encouraging you "You can do this. You can certainly do this".

However, you can encounter several people who try to silence that small voice in your head. "You can't do this. You can never do it", these people are the ones who encourage me the most. They are the ones who make me become better, they are the ones who make me say "Watch me."

Be smart when you dream and be crazy when you set the goal. I was crazy, when I first did this. When I first decided to send in my application to this university, I was being crazy and you know what? I'm glad I was.

Because when it happens, when you finally reach your goal, you feel something. Satisfaction, pride, and let me tell you. That feeling is wonderful. It's one of the best feelings one could ever feel.

Three words. Three words could change someone's life. It takes only three words to demolish someone or make them live happily ever after.

I love you.

I hate you.

"You got accepted"

Satisfaction, pride, happiness, excitement.

The moment these words pierced my ear, tears began streaming down my face. I did it. I finally did it. I didn't care about my mother nor her unsupportive speeches, nor what she thought of me.

She had called me last week telling me that my father and her have decided that it was better if I enrolled in law school. I knew my father didn't approve, she just thought that if she told me so , I'd be glad and okay with it.

But I wasn't.

I sent in my application as a final hope. Maybe that was my last chance to do something I wanted. Maybe that was my last chance to defy my mother and stand up for myself.

"I did?"

Niall was now looking scared at my facial expression and my lack of words as he shook my shoulders uncontrollably.

"Anna? Anna? What's going on? Are you okay?" he asked frantically fear evident in his eyes.

I gulped as I hung up and averted my gaze to him. His eyes were piercing mine as if he were trying to look into my soul and see what was bothering me.

"I-I..." I stuttered while his eyebrows shot upwards in a questioning manner. "I got accepted." was all I could whisper as his lips pursed into a thin line.

"Niall... I think that I might be staying here." I explained as a grin spread across his face and hugged me tightly.

"This is-" we pulled away as he stared into my eyes looking for something suitable to say.

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