TNP. Part IV- Are You There?

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- I Dare You to Go in Hell with Me -


Everything about Jack personality drastically changed. The way she handling herself to the people wasn't warm anymore. In fact She became cold Ceo. It's been Weeks of terror continue to filled her Empire because of her sudden change of heart. No one can come closer to her. Ten feet pole is the best way to described how distant the employees to her.

Except to her secretary Jess who is still tough to work on Jack's side. She's no longer the old person who's full of light. She became insight of dark presence. No one try to talk about Kenneth's case inside of the company nor outside because Jack warned them to sue every person. Who will try to create a rumors about her dead friend. So no one dare to make a noise about it.

Jess enter her office with a cup of black coffee her boss like to drink when Jack is focusing on something.

" Good morning Ms Cavill Here's your Brewed coffee " She stated and place down the coffee on Jack side table. Her boss just nodded at her and thanked her then back at the paper work she's reviewing. Jess immediately went outside not to cause a disturb to her Boss.

In the afternoon a few calls made. Jack ended the call and gathered her things carefully when a door of her office opened with a bang. She turned around to see a man's face angrily looking at her.

" What the fuck did you do to my girlfriend!! Why did You fire her!! "! The man shouted and Jack signal to Jess not to worry about her as her secretary stand aside. She know of all people inside of the office Jack is the dangerous one.

Jack crossed her arms and stand firmly.
" She fucked up on her work. I give her a chance but I didn't see any improvement and why should I let useless employee to stay at my company? "

" You BITCH!! " The man attacking Jack but in a swift move Jack decked him on the floor. Looking down at the man.

" Who are you to question me? Your not in my level so stay down. Your not my employee's husband. So don't act like one " She stated coldly as the man stand up shakily and went away mumbling cursing words. As Jess closed the door Jack sighed, resting her hands on her hips.

" If that man will lay a hand to Leslie sue him. That's an order " Jack firmly stated as Jess Nodded.

After an hour Jack recieve a call from her private investigator that Colton's mother is maybe behind of attempting to kill her and results of killing Kenneth. The blood boil on her veins as the investigator continue to feed her about where Colton's mother place.

The number that given to her of the investigator was on her dialed phone now. It ringing thrice then a voice of woman came on the line.

" Wherever the hell you are. I'm assuring to shove you down thirty feet underground once we meet " Jack threatened to the woman. She laughed at Jack.

" Don't be so serious Jack, I didn't mean to kill your friend, oh I'm sorry for your lost but to be prank you won't find me " She answered. Jack hands tightened on the phone. Jaw stiff and the flame of anger on her eyes sparkling.

" I dare you. I'll make your life burn. So don't let me catch you because I'm good at tracing people I know who have a debt of life on me " Jack retorted.

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