2. Amore

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Third Person Pov

Calling an ambulance the two beaten man took in the hospital. Following some Investigation from the officer who followed in the hospital. Kenneth and Jack seated at the metal chair inside of the empty room. The police officer wants to have a private talk to them.

" What happened there Miss? " A soft yet firm question asks for them.

" We just taking a walk with my best friend when we heard a noise and We saw them. Beaten and one is like not okay so we decided to call a help " Kenneth stated looking straight to the officer as Jack nodded. Confirming what Kenneth said.

The police officer nod then write on his pad. " May I know your name Ma'am? " They pull out their wallet and handled him their ID's.

" You two working at Museum. Hmmn are you two not scared? " Weird, question from him.

" NO. we're not. We just help them we didn't do anything wrong. So weren't Officer " Jack answered firmly.

The officer nodded then handled back their ID's.

" Thank you Ms Smith and Ms Cavill. You can go home now. Thank you for cooperation. Keep safe home " The two stand up and give the officer a nod.

" Thank you " they said in unison and went outside.

Jack's Pov

In the entrance of the hospital an expensive cars stop. A woman walk out following tons of bodyguards. But we didn't take it seriously as we both jump on our motorcycle. We both soaked and tired from todays events. Luckily it's our OFF tomorrow. I mean today. Sucks it's been an hour since we took our walk. Getting drenched in the rain make my body chilled when the wind blows.

" Let's go home I'm too tired!! " Kenneth shouted then put her helmet.

As I did too and start the engine. When we got home Kenneth run upstairs. She says, she's tired but can Run Upstairs? What is she playing at? I'm swaying my head while removing my coat as I started to walk upstairs to get a warm bath. After reading some books I fall asleep.

-The next day-

The sunlight greeted me. It's warm enough to awake me. I open my eyes and feel my head, good No hangover, I search my phone. I saw the time 7:17 am. I put it back then rolled my body to the other side where the lights can't touch me. Ten seconds I rolled back looking at the ceiling. Spreading my hands in the bed. Thinking what happened last night. Why they need to kill people who can't fight for themselves? Who are they? Should I visit them to the hospital? NO. You don't have to. We just help them and it's not our problem anymore. My mind keep playing the event. Shut it Jack. It's not your concern anymore. Hmmnn! stop thinking about that Jack.

Get up and make your own morning Coffee. Is Ken awake? Mabye not, she's tired last night. Luckily she didn't get any bruised from fight. Oh I never told you we both study Taekwondo, Mua tai, arnis and jujitsu. Well it was a long time ago. But we used them for self defense and we using them to help other who can't fight for themselves. Like example last night. If we can , we help, but if not we still help. I'm not too talkative as you can see. I just didn't talk to stranger. I'm talkative infront of Kenneth and Mrs Jenkins.

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