10. She is a Description

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Jack's Pov

There was a time when a few blurred memories came in my dreams. A people's shouting loudly. I don't know what their saying about. Until today when my father protected me from those bullets. Bloods was scattered on me towards the floor. The more I look at it the more memories came back to me clearly. Who in the world want me dead? Why they targeted me here!? Why they have to kill people just to get me!?

I'm on my thoughts when Kenneth embrace me. We're still in this Mansion. The police came in. Colton talk to them instead of me. He don't want me to be face of the news. He protect me too. I'm grateful. A few guests was injured while running away. If I follow my instincts a while ago this will never happened. I closed my fist firmly and shut my eyes off. The cold air I'm feeling right now is not helping me to erased this.

It doesn't matter how I'm vulnerable right now. The matters is who ever planned this. I will make them pay. I want a justice for my father. I hear Amrae and Queen talking in the living room in the backyard. Calming myself. I need too. This anger won't help me this time. Colton came back at my side. Giving me a glass of water. I look at him. Kenneth sat down next to me.

" Can I get a scotch  instead? " His eyes widen a bit but nodded at me.

I stay quite. I'm thinking. Most of people are ranting who killed their friends or family. I'm not a ranting person. It's not my behavior. Think before you make a move what's next. It's better that way.

" Jack " Amrae called me. I stand up and came inside. I sat down infront of them. Queen, Amrae, Chariot and Scarlett.

Others we're gone home and other was out for an assignment.

" You should rest " She said as I grabbed the glass of scotch to Colton's hand. I gulped it all.

There's a few tears fall on my eyes. It burns my cheek. I wipe my tears and look at them.

" No. Whoever did this will pay in my own hands " I said. They all tense up. Kenneth took a deep air.

" Looks like I never got the answer for my Mom Huh " I smirked before continuing my words .

" I thought he was a bad father. I'm wrong. I think I lost some of my memories before leaving the Mansion in the middle of nowhere " I stare at the white flower vase on the table between us.

" He was there. He's protecting me when he find out that his own Father want me dead. His exchanging shots too. His giving a command to those loyal guards on his side. There's a lot of loud explosion. I think one car exploded that time. All image on my vision was unclear. My mom dragged me in some car and we duck inside there until it move. I fall asleep after. The car stop and it was You Amrae who meet Mom. You. You help us. But Why? " I added my question.

She give me a soft smile.

" Your Mother is a loyal friend to me. To us. Amore, Queen, Arthys, Scarlett and Chariot are her friend. We all work in different places but one incident gather us one. I hope Augustus will forgive me on what I'm going to say to you " she said.

I'm confused. My eyes scanning them. They stay silent.

" What do you mean Auntie Rae ? " Colton asked to my side.

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