3. The Puzzle

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Amore's Pov

I smirk to myself after the two young ladies walk out without looking back.

" Mom is something wrong? " My son asks me as I shook my head while still giggling lightly.

" No honey, I was just shocked on them " I answered.

His look confused, so am I too. But to be honest I didn't expect them to decline my offer. I have a plan to add more Million dollars if they will said to add more. But they didn't. Why I'm having a feeling that I know her. The Jack one. Her eyes remembering me of someone. No way, maybe it just coincidence.

I look at my son " Did you see them how to Fight ? " He look straight to me. Thinking.

" Not so much because the place is dark to see well. But I think that two are a good fighter " he's smiling to me.

I nod, looking down in the floor thinking. Why she look like her? I know my sister is exchanging letter to someone every month 18 years ago. I know it's from Charmaine. Maybe my sister know what the reason behind this.

" Mom " Nicollo called me so my thoughts disappeared.

I hummed to respond, then turned to face to him " Can you asks your investigator to get their information? The Smith one. Please " he said.

I crossed my arms staring at him if he's seriously. Sure he is.

Giving him an eyebrow he shifted slightly. " I'm just curious Mom. Look in first impression they look like normal individual. But Their NOT. Something's bothering me for some reason. I just-- I can't tell. I don't know the right words for that " he honestly said.

Why not! their my son and nephew saviour. Why not get some information about them. Beside I may be know them. Again I'm thinking her. She resembling Charmaine. Sorry maybe I'm just wrong but. I can't control my mind from thinking it. I know something happened in the past. That's why my sister helped Charmaine. I don't know what the reason tho. Never asks my sister about it. I sighed before turning my back to him.

I nodded as he smiled " Thank you " he said then lean back on the bed.

" Sleep well Honey " I said then walk near to the door way.

I dialed a number of my private investigator. Waiting for her to answer.

In a few rings she answered " Calista speaking " she said in formal tone.

" I have an assignment for you. Yeah. Find something about Jack Cavill and Kenneth Smith. Find everything about them. No. Their my son's saviour. Yes. Immediately. Thanks Calista " I said as I cut the call.

I need a business to do so I went out. Driving my convertible SC20 roaster outside to hit the streets. I stop to grab some coffee on the way. Sending some emails from my associates about my business plans and schedule. When Calista emailed me the information. I stop the car in the side of the road and opened it.


Kenneth Smith:
26 years old
Weight: 55 kg
birth place: Florida, January 5th 1995,
Blood type: AB
Siblings: Chloe Smith, Eddie Smith, Nike Smith
Parents: Ken Smith, Angeline Smith
Sports: Hockey, Taekwondo, Jujitsu, swimming
Hobby: Biking, Painting, Cooking,Baking
Courses: Communication in History of Art ( Chicago University )
Fine Arts ' Top 2 ' ( Chicago University )
Languages: English, Spanish, Filipino, Korean, Chinese, French, Hebrews.
Move with Her childhood best friend ( Jack Cavill ) in Chicago City 15 years ago.
She's working now at Art institute of Chicago for almost 5 years.
Part time job: Waitress at Cecilia
Currently address : Lily house street number Pod 130

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