TNP: Part II - Universe Faith & Fate

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The vacation is over, the work going on and on. Jack again stuck her ass on her office. Giving a firm command not to disturb her. Jess immediately follow her order. No one can enter her office. Days came by and her order didn't even change. Jess is getting worried on her now. Kenneth decided to visit Amrae and Amore. Asking for a better advice to get Jack out of her office. Jack office is connected to the secret room. Her private room to be clear.

In fact she's staying at her company since she got back. Ken tried to talk to her but Jack refused it. Jess was very sorry for her which Ken understand her position being secretary of Jack. Her wedding was near too happen. She just want Jack to be more herself like before. She sure a bit scared of Jack to be honest. But as a friend of Jack she can't give up easily. They both get through a lot. Those dangerous moment and the life and death situation they both face together was a good experienced.

Lately Jack trying to isolate herself away from others who care for her. Colton may be have an answer for that or to the woman they met? Probably. Ken get a bright idea for that and hope it can help her to see what's going on to Jack. Days became week and weeks became a month. Jack never bother to accept any visitors on her office. Having a whiskey on her work table. Jack's phone ring again for a fifth time. She irritatedly grab it and answered without looking at the caller.

" Stop bothering---" " I would like you to know that tomorrow is my wedding day, I'm done giving you a long time to face your Problem alone that I NEVER KNOW what the hell it is. OKAY! . I'm fine if you never show up yourself on my special day "  Kenneth beamed with sour on her voice and before Jack could recollect the situation the line ended.

That's the moment she felt something is wrong on Her. The loneliness in her office matching her. She roam her eyes to see her office is the only lights on. It was a midnight already . She didn't eat lunch or grab a snacks. Leaning her back at the chair . Placing down the phone on the table. Jack closed her eyes and mumbled something to herself. How the hell I let everyone feel I don't need them? She stated and pinch the bridge of her nose. Releasing a deep breath as she decided to go home on her real place this time.

On the way she texted Jess to prepare her private jet tomorrow early in the morning. Which is immediately answered by her secretary. She quickly clean herself then sleep. Her body feel heavy when it touch the bed. The only she remembered that night is setting an early alarm even if her body wake up first before the alam make a noise.

Kenneth's Pov

I know this is my special day. The things I said to Jack last night wasn't a joke on me. It's personal because she just pushed us away. Knowing she stuck her fucking ass inside of her office doesn't mean I, We didn't worried on her behavior.

" Care not to look terrible on your wedding day Mrs Hardy in less than three hours? " Live stated putting some contour on my face.

Looking myself on the bright mirror infront of me. I shrugs my shoulder as she shook her head while chuckling.

" I don't know what to feel if She didn't show up today " with a small smile I send to Live. She nodded lightly and continue what's she's doing. How this doctor really good at putting makeup on me? Well whatever. I sighed collecting myself.

" Come on Have some Faith on Jack! If she didn't come I'll kick her ass for You is that fine? " Live stated as I giggles on her witty attitude. I nodded. She crunched her face on me.

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