𝟸𝟶𝙺 𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚃𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕!

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Hey everyone ^-^


I never thought this book would get as popular as it did, I just created it to store a couple of my ideas. Now, it's on track to be my most viewed book ever! (Which I'm glad for, I really hate my top book rn lol).

So, as a special present to you guys for enjoying my content, I'm finally going to write the story that spawned the idea of this book! I got swept up in other ideas that I never ended up writing it, but now it's time.

They/them pronouns, and a tw for bullying.

Enjoy, and thanks so much for 20k!


Today was not going well.

I started off by accidentally oversleeping- I had stayed up all night on a call with Dream, George and Sapnap like we usually do, talking and laughing.

But that cost me. I missed my bus, causing me to have to hitch a ride to school with my mother on her way to work at the hospital. She was nice about the whole deal- gave me a lecture, sure, but was still nice about it- but I still got to school late, prompting stares from my classmates and a dirty look from my teacher.

"You're late, Y/N. Why?"

"I missed my bus, ma'am."

"And why is that?"

"I overslept."

"Detention. Go sit down."

The class oohed with glee as I slumped into my seat.

Great. Fucking fantastic. This was just what I needed today.

My wonderful day only seemed to get better when I realized I left my lunch at home. Instead of getting to eat, I had to sit at a table by myself and just play on my phone instead.

God, I wanted nothing more than to get home.

I didn't notice when the class bell rang, but when I looked up and saw the empty cafeteria, I grimaced.

Oh shit, I'm late again.

I dashed to my next class, not paying attention to my surroundings. So when I pushed open the door, the cold bucket of water waiting for me as a "gift" from my classmates was entirely surprising.

"ACK!" I shrieked as the ice-cold substance soaked my hair and clothes, causing my classmates to burst into laughter and jeering taunts. I wiped the water out of my eyes and glared at them, walking right out of the room and into the nearest bathroom. 

I sat down on a toilet seat and cried. Today was the worst day ever... I needed comfort, but of course I had none. No one at my school liked me. I was all alone.

I wasn't sure how long I was crying for before the door creaked open to a chatter of familiar voices.

"The teacher said they'd be in here..."

"Something about getting water dumped on then?"

"I'm gonna kill the assholes that did this!"

"Guys?" I stood up and opened the door, eyes widening in shock as my best friends were made visible. "What... what are you doing here?!"

"Y/N!" Dream ran over to me immediately. "Oh my god, you're soaked..."

I nodded, shivering. "Y-Yeah, that's what happens when assholes dump water on you."

George frowned and handed me a towel, along with a change of clothes. "Go on and change into this, N/N. We're taking you home."

I shut the stall door again, drying my soaked body off and swapping into the clothes. I smiled as I realized George had given me his favorite hoodie along with a pair of sweatpants.

I opened the door as I was toweling off my hair, no longer badly shaking.

"Here, let me." Sapnap took the clothes from me and dropped them into a plastic grocery bag.

"Thanks..." I smiled at him and pulled the hood up over my hair.

"Alright, c'mon. Let's get you back to our place." Before I could protest, Dream had swept me into his arms to carry me. "We've got junk food and video games and movies at home. Sound good, N/N?"

I sighed happily and nodded. "That sounds perfect."

He smiled and carried me out to his car, George and Sapnap on our heels. I smiled to myself as I was reminded how lucky I was, to have three friends that cared about me and would go the the ends of the earth for me.

the end

I started this when we hit 20k a week ago and then went on vacation and when I came back we're near 30k 

w u t

I'm gonna have to make a new special soon you guys XD maybe a karlnapity wedding fic? I've been kinda obsessed with those as of late

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