❤️ 𝙺𝚊𝚛𝚕 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛- 𝚂𝚔𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚜

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Karl in a skirt Karl in a skirt

I'm quite excited for this one!

Even more she/her pronouns and this is all fluff and cuteness

Let's go!


"Alright folks, thanks for an amazing stream!" I said, waving goodbye to my chat. I scrolled through the lists of possible raids, and clicked on Quackity, sending all my viewers over to him. Once the stream was over, I let out a sigh and took my headset off, leaning back in my chair.

I heard a soft knock on the door and turned around. "It's open!"

The door creaked open quietly and my boyfriend of a year slipped in. He had a pensive look on his face, and I became slightly concerned.

"You good, Karl?" I spun around in my chair to face him.

"Yeah, I'm fine... jus' wanted to talk to you about something." He mumbled.

"Of course! What's up?" I grabbed the chair next to me and patted it, and he sat down.

"I..." he started, apprehensive of what he was about to say.

"You can do it, Karl. You've got this."

"...I want to try wearing a skirt."


This hadn't been what I was expecting.

"Alright! So... you want to go shopping? I don't have many skirts myself."

He blinked and looked at me. "Y-you're okay with it?"

"Of course I am, Karl! What kind of toxic female do you take me for? Besides... I think you'd look really pretty in a skirt." He blushed slightly and looked away again. I placed a hand on his back, smiling.

"Tell you what. I don't have a stream tomorrow, and you don't have filming. Let's make a day out of it, yeah? We'll find a whole outfit for you."

He smiled and laughed. "Really?"

"Of course!"


The next day passed in a blurry of activity. Karl and I had found almost a whole outfit. We bought a super baggy navy shirt that he fell in love with, and I grabbed a scrunchie for him at the last second, because why not? He had also admitted that he wanted to try wearing stockings, so we had found him a cute set of navy ones, and even though he protested that I had spent too much money on him already, I bought him a pair of black shoes that he had been admiring in the store window.

Now, all we needed to find was the skirt.

As we entered a new store, I turned to him. "I gotta run and use the bathroom, okay love? How about you poke around and see if there's anything you like?" He nodded and smiled, and I rushed off.

Karl's POV

I looked around the store, seeing if there was anything that caught my eye. There were lots of skirts, but none of them really stood out to me. Then, I saw one.

It was a small white skirt, a little shorter than what I had pictured, but the second I saw it I gasped. I knew it was perfect.

I ran over to it and picked it up, admiring the pleats of the skirt. "It's perfect!" I almost started jumping up and down, but I caught myself and instead held it up to me. Yeah, this was perfect.

Someone coughed loudly behind me and I turned around to see a middle-aged woman staring at me with an unamused look on her face. "You're shopping for your girlfriend?" She asked with a fake smile. "How nice of you."

I almost didn't say anything, feeling flames of embarrassment shoot through me. What am I doing? I thought worriedly. Boys don't wear skirts! I'm being foolish!

Then I became slightly upset. Who was this woman to tell me what to wear? No, I was gonna fight back.

"Actually," I said, straightening up and looking her in the eye. "I'm shopping for myself, thank you."

She scoffed. "The men's section is over there, young man. People like you shouldn't wear women's clothing." She held her hand out and snapped her fingers. "Now, give me that skirt. I came here to buy it for my daughter."

I looked behind me. I hadn't realized it was the only one on the rack.

"Actually, I picked it up first, and I'm going to buy it. For myself."

"You're one of those people, aren't you? People like you shouldn't even get rights."

I got angrier at this. "Transgender, you mean? First of all- transgender people just as valid, if not more than you are, Karen, and second of all, I'm not transgender. I'm just a man who enjoys wearing skirts."


I left the bathroom to hear Karl yelling at someone. He sounded angry. I followed the sound of his voice to see him arguing with a- oh, great, a Karen.

"Hey sweetie, who's this?" I asked, slipping into the conversation.

"No one," Karl said, glaring at the woman. "Can we go now? I found one!"

"Oh, you did? Let's see!" He showed me the skirt, and I squealed in excitement. "Honey, that is gonna look fantastic on you! Cmon, let's go buy it?"

"How can you support this?" The woman yelled. "This is- wrong and immoral and unethical! He's not natural! You shouldn't be supporting him!"

I whipped around to face her, gritting my teeth. "No, you listen here, Karen." I snarled. "What's unethical is you tearing him down for wearing what he wants. As a matter of fact, skirts were originally designed for men in Scotland and Ireland. So next time you wanna pick a fight with me, do your fucking research, bitch. And never, never, talk bad about my boyfriend again. He's better than you'll ever be." I grabbed Karl's hand and pulled him over to the checkout, leaving the woman standing there in shock.


"Are you done yet, Karl? I wanna see!" I stood outside the bathroom door, pacing excitedly. He had been in there for a few minutes, putting on the outfit.

"Y/N?" He called through the door. "It's shorter than I thought."

"Is it too short?"


"Just come on and show me! I'll tell you if it's a real problem."

The lock on the door clicked, and it swung open carefully. Karl poked his head out, blushing.

"Cmon honey, let me see!"

He sighed and stepped out of the bathroom, blushing heavily. My eyes widened.

"Karl, babe... you look absolutely stunning."

"The skirt isn't too short?"

"Nope! It's the right length for you." I couldn't keep my eyes off of him.

"S-stop staring..." he mumbled shyly, tugging on the hem of the skirt with both hands.

"No no no! Don't mess with it, hon, it's perfect." I looked him in the eyes, smiling. "You're perfect."


"Of course you are, love! You're not letting that dumb Karen get to you, right?"

"N-no..." he stopped himself. "No. I'm not. Your the only one who's opinion really matters."

"Awh!!" I gave him a huge hug, and he hugged me back. I pulled away and quickly pecked his lips.

"Now... you wanna do a photo shoot?"



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