❤️𝙺𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚝- 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚢 𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜

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This week's episode of "Rarepairs With Karl!" we have a special guest- schlatt!!!

aaaa what am i doing smh im weird

anyways i think this is cute so here ya go-

tw// alcohol and smoking (cmon. its schlatt)

3rd Person POV

It was a stormy night. Rain slashed down aggressively and pounded on the windows of Schlatt's house. He sat in his living room, quietly watching the storm and taking drags of a fancy cigar he had lit. A half-empty glass of whiskey sat on the table next to him.

"Hate to be caught out in this weather," he mused, reaching for his glass. The second he brought it to his lips, a loud rumble of thunder sounded from outside, and he almost missed the timid knocks on his door.

His brows furrowed in confusion and he slammed the rest of the glass, and dropped his cigar in the ashtray. "Who the hell is out right now?" He asked, confusion in his voice as he threw the front door open. His eyes widened with recognition at the figure on his doorstep.

A boy stood there, dressed in a colorblock hoodie and jeans, both soaked from the rain. His normally caramel-colored hair had turned a dark brown, and he was shivering visibly.

"H-Hi S-Schlatt-" the boy stuttered out, his hands shaking. "I-I'm sorry but I- I can't m-make it home the r-rest of the w-way- c-could I stay here?" he looked up at him with a pleading look in his eyes.

"Yes! Get in here before you catch hypothermia, god! What the fuck were you doing in a storm?"

The boy stepped inside, cringing as he heard his clothes dripping onto the tile. "Sorry-"

"It's okay, one second-" Schlatt dashed to his linen cabinet and grabbed a fluffy towel before wrapping the smaller boy up in it, soaking up most of the water. "You gonna answer my question?"

"O-oh, yeah-" he stumbled out. "I w-went for a walk earlier and g-got lost c-chasing a butterfly, and it started r-raining so I came here..." he shivered again.

Schlatt laughed. "A butterfly? Really Karl?"

Karl giggled. "It was a really pretty butterfly! D-Don't laugh at me!"

Schlatt grinned and unwrapped the towel from the brunette. "Hold on a second- imma get you some dry clothes, mkay?" He nodded, and Schlatt went into his bedroom. For once in his life, he regretted owning nothing but suits. He found an old button-up shirt he didn't wear anymore, and a pair of pants. He came out and handed them to the shorter boy.

"D-Do you have somewhere I c-could change?" he asked. Schlatt nodded and pointed down the hallway to a bathroom, and the brunette ran down to it.

Schlatt went into the living room, snuffing out his cigar and putting it away, along with the now-empty whiskey glass. He found a large fluffy blanket and set it on the couch, before the brunette came out in Schlatt's clothes, which were way too big on him.

"I set my clothing in the bathtub to dry, is that alright?" he asked, pulling up the white shirt that was threatening to slip off one shoulder. He had rolled the hem of his pants so he didn't trip on them, and Schlatt found himself staring at the boy.

Schlatt didn't respond for a moment, just staring at him, before a couple synapses fired in his brain and he found the words to respond. "Oh- yeah- that's fine." He sat down on the couch, letting out a small sigh as he fumbled for the blanket. What was this boy doing to him?

Karl jumped onto the couch next to him, and before he could protest, Karl already had his arms around his torso and was cuddling into his side. Schlatt had almost forgotten how touchy the boy was. He scoffed quietly and draped the blanket over the both of them, keeping his arms down by his sides still.

"Thanks for the clothes, Schlatt- but are suits really all you own?" He stifled a laugh, and Schlatt refrained himself from smacking the smaller boy clinging onto him.

He opened his mouth to argue, but the lights cut off and Karl's demeanor changed. He buried his face into Schlatt's chest and whimpered, shaking slightly.

"Hey! Are you okay?" he reached up and touched the smaller's back through the thin material of his shirt.

" 'M scared of the dark-" he mumbled into his chest, shivering from fear.

"Hey, it's alright-" Schlatt tilted the boy's head up so he was looking at him. "Just focus on me, mmkay? 

The boy nodeed, staring at him. Schlatt felt himself burn under the older's gaze, until Karl spoke.

"That's funny!"

He looked confused. "What's funny?"

Karl leaned in closer to Schlatt. "Your eyes... they're the same color as that butterfly I was chasing earlier."

His face flushed red, and before he knew it, he had his lips pressed tightly against the brunette's. Karl's eyes widened, before he sank into the kiss, clinging to him tightly. Schlatt ran his hand down the boy's face, cupping it tightly as he continued to kiss him.

The pair pulled away after a moment. both panting and red-faced.



Karl shook his head and brought him into another kiss, already missing the warmth of his lips. Schlatt chased the feeling as much as he did, and the two lazily kissed until the brunette fell asleep, a dopy grin on his face and hands gripping tightly onto Schlatt.

He chuckled at the cute boy asleep on his lap, before wrapping him up in the blanket and falling asleep with him. They could discuss their feelings in the morning, but for now- for now nothing mattered except the two of them and the rain humming at the window.

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