💘 𝙺𝚊𝚛𝚕 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛- 𝚂𝚔𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚅𝚒𝚋𝚎𝚣 𝙿𝚝. 𝟸

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i wanted to write a part 2 so here we go

your outfit:

"I feel underdressed now," I mumbled, tugging on the collar of my shirt

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"I feel underdressed now," I mumbled, tugging on the collar of my shirt. "I didn't realize this place was so-"

"Fancy?" Karl interjected.


"You both are dressed fine," Chris rolled his eyes. "C'mon. The others already got a table for us."

We headed towards the back of the restaurant, where we saw Jimmy and Chandler conversing as they scanned the menu. Jimmy looked up and saw us, breaking into a wide grin.

"If it isn't my favorite people!" He smiled, setting the menu down. I hadn't seen Jimmy in almost a week, having to miss the last filming session due to a minor cold.

"Don't let your girlfriend hear you say that," I grinned, crossing my arms. He laughed and stood up, holding his arms out. I smiled and hugged him quickly.

"Do I get a hug too?" Chandler asked, fake-pouting.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Don't be jealous, Chan-chan. Of course you do." I hugged him as well before sitting down next to Jimmy. Karl sat on the other side of me.

"So, how are you feeling?" Jimmy asked me.

"I'm all better now. The doctor said it wasn't COVID, so I'm all safe." Chris let out a loud sigh of relief, and we all laughed.

I quickly scanned through the menu and chose my order, and soon the waiter came around and we all ordered. The five of us soon fell into our familiar rhythm of talking and laughing, and soon Jimmy had a paper napkin inked with possible video ideas.

Everything was going great, until Jimmy asked the one question I wasn't prepared to answer.

"So, Y/N, have you got a boyfriend yet?"

My eyes widened and I nearly spat out my water. Karl stiffened next to me and his face went red.

"Well, actually-" Chris interjected, smirking.

I cut him off by glaring at him, and he smiled and held his hands up. "Alright, nevermind."

"What? Am I missing something?" Chandler looked around at us, confused.

"Uhm- would you guys excuse me for a minute?" I smiled and slipped out of my seat. I slipped out of the restaurant, leaning against one of the columns at the back entrance and letting out a big sigh. It had started drizzling during the time we were in the restaurant, and the cool, misty air helped calm me down.

I saw the restaurant door open and Karl stepped out, immediately making a beeline for me. "You alright?" he asked, biting at his bottom lip.

"Mhm... just got kinda stressful in there."

"How so?"

I felt a wave of confidence come over me, and I gazed up into his eyes. "I really wanted to kiss you back there, but our friends were around."

He grinned and leaned in closer to me. "Well, they're not out here, are they?"

I wrapped my arms around his neck and eagerly pressed my lips against his in a bruising kiss. The kiss back at the park had been calm and sweet, but this one was messier and more passionate. He placed his hands on my waist again, holding on tightly to me as the kiss grew deeper.

I didn't ever want to stop kissing him. The feeling of him was intoxicating. His hands on my waist, his lips on mine... it was perfect. Completely and utterly perfect.

Karl swiped my bottom lip with his tongue, and I gasped into his mouth. He grinned and slipped his tongue in, and I resisted the urge to moan. My knees buckled and I fell against him, clinging to him tightly as he pulled my body against his.


Karl and I instantly jumped apart like a rocket had been set off underneath our feet. I panted slightly, trying to get my breath back as I wiped the saliva off my lips with my sleeve and looked towards the sound.

Jimmy and Chandler were standing at the door, staring at us with wide eyes. Chris was a few steps behind, acting unimpressed. Then again, it hadn't been the first time he had walked up on Karl and I kissing.

"I- Is this why you reacted so strongly to my question? Because you're dating Karl?" Jimmy asked.

"W-We're not dating." I stuttered out, tugging on my collar.

"Well, uh-" Karl interjected, and I turned to look at him. "I was actually gonna ask... would you wanna maybe be my girlfriend?" He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, and I nearly laughed out loud. How did he go from being so confident to so shy?

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I would."

He grinned happily and hugged me, pressing a chaste kiss to my cheek. I smiled and hugged back. I finally felt complete.

The others clapped and cheered, before Jimmy spoke again. "Well, uh, the food's here- you two hungry?"

"Oh, they're hungry all right." Chris joked, and I glared at him.

We all turned to go back into the restaurant, but Chris paused next to us. "And guys, you really gotta learn to stop sucking face in public places. It's not classy."

I laughed and buried my face in my hands. Karl had let go of me by now, but now he slipped an arm around my waist.

Karl and I followed the others back into the restaurant, walking a few paces behind the others. "By the way, you're a really good kisser," I mumbled to him.

"Oh?" He looked at me, the expression in his eyes making my heart jolt. "Maybe you oughta come to my place tonight. We can continue testing that claim of yours."

I blushed and laughed. "Sounds like a plan."

this was cringe to write but it turned out good

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