💫 𝙶𝚛𝚘𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚄𝚙 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚁𝚊𝚗𝚋𝚘𝚘: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚄𝚕𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚂𝚞𝚛𝚟𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚕 𝙶𝚞𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚃𝚘 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝙿𝚝. 𝟷

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Friendship fics friendship fics

No shipping here! They are just best friends

For all intents and purposes of this fanfiction, Ranboo and the reader are both die-hard Unus annus fans


I quickly threw open the door to my house, cringing as I heard it bounce against the wall. But I was in too much of a hurry.

"Don't slam the door!" My mother yelled from the kitchen.

"Sorry mom!" I called back, running towards the back door of the house.

My mother smiled as I ran into the kitchen, putting her hands on her hips. "You going to meet Ranboo?"

I stopped, panting slightly, and turned to face her. "Of course. Why else would I be in a hurry?"

She nodded. "I'm so glad you two worked out, honey. You're a great match."

"Gross, Mom. You make it sound like we're dating."

"Sorry honey." She paused. "Here, I made some food for you two. I have a feeling you're gonna spend as much time together until..." her voice trailed off.

"Yeah. Don't remind me. But thanks for the snacks, Mom!" I grabbed the bag she was holding out to me and gave her a hug. She smiled again as I ran out the back door into our backyard. I quickly jumped the fence separating my backyard from Ranboo's, and ran towards the black-and-white treehouse in the center of the backyard.

I stopped at the ladder and called up to him with our secret code: "Unus!"

A moment of silence passed, and then a voice called back: "Annus!"

I grinned and scaled the ladder, smiling when I saw a figure sitting in one of the chairs in the small room. "Hey R!"

He nodded, a wide grin on his face. "Hi F/I! I missed you!"

"You just saw me at school, dork."

He laughed. "But school is kinda different, you know? We act different at school then when we're here, just around each other."

I sat down cross-legged on the floor, nodding. "I know what you mean. Oh, also, my mom sent me with snacks." I held the bag up to show him.

Ranboo started laughing uncontrollably, and retrieved an almost identical bag from behind him. "So did mine!"

We both laughed for a while, not necessarily because it was all that funny, just to enjoy the moment- the sun light filtering through the trees and coating the slats of the floor in a molten gold, the late spring air keeping us warm, and the mixed sounds of our laughter filling the air. We were seniors now, and there was only a few precious months left before Ranboo and I went to college- separate colleges, in separate states. Neither of us were sure when we would see each other again.

"You know..." Ranboo said, dragging me out of my thoughts. "If we rationed the snacks, we could probably stay up here all night..." he tilted his head and gave me a knowing look.

"You mean-?"

"It's about time we finish it."

I squealed with excitement and jumped up, running over the wall with a pretty picture window on it. I kneeled down and pried one of the floorboards loose, revealing a small crevice with a large red book in it. I pulled the book out and blew the dust off, smiling at the cover.

Ranboo and Y/N's Ultimate Guide To Surviving Childhood With Your Best Friend.

"Tonight," Ranboo remarked as I set the book down on the table. "Tonight we finish it."

"I think we're gonna need a little more than snacks then."


"Last line is done," Ranboo exclaimed, setting his pen down. He blew carefully on the ink to make the words dry, and held it up. "Now we just need to write the end."

I looked over his shoulder, wrapping my blanket tighter around my shoulders. We had stayed up all night to finish our book, and now it was around 6 in the morning. Ranboo's mom had been kind enough to order some pizza for us, so there was an empty box and some napkins sitting on the table as well.

"It's the end of an era," I sighed, reaching out and skimming my fingers over the page.

"It is indeed." Ranboo sighed, before picking up the pen again. He held it out to me. "Here. You write it."

I shook it. "No, you should. You've got better handwriting."

He frowned. "How about we both do it?" He held it out and we both took a grip on the pen.

"This is gonna look messy," I giggled.

"It's like our seal! It's symbolic!" Ranboo laughed.

With both of our hands on the pen, we shakily scrawled "The End" along the bottom of the page.

"It's done," Ranboo whispered in awe. "I can't believe it's done."

I looked outside. "There's still a couple hours until our parents wake up... let's read it."

Ranboo smiled at me. "That's a great idea. Let's go to the hammock!"

He and I walked out to the hammock strung over the balcony of the treehouse. Ranboo climbed into the hammock first, then patted the empty space on the rope next to him.

I laid down next to him, unwrapping my blanket from around my shoulders and covering the both of us with it.

Ranboo set the book on his lap, tracing a finger over the worn-out front cover. "Ready?" He asked, grinning at me.


I've decided to break this into multiple parts :)

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