Comparing Life to Noodles

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Why did I even do this?! I ran away from my brothers and knew that neither North nor South would follow me. As I scampered down the walkway, I brushed away tears that ran out of my eyes like waterfalls. I knew that this idea was horrible! Nobody ever listened to me! I tripped three times and scrambled over a bunch of hedgerows. I didn't know where I was going, but my mind didn't want to go and be alone. I couldn't go anywhere and I felt lost. Sad. Unimaginably hurt. I wasn't mad at Russia at all. I assumed that he must be feeling very guilty now. I couldn't tell him that I didn't find him at fault. It was myself I was mad at. For telling everyone everything. I didn't know where to go even. My mind eventually led my feet to the gate of my brother's, Vietnam, college. I found that the door to his college was open, in luck and I cried a river of tears up the steps. I hesitantly knocked on his door.

"Hello?" A stocky man came out. Not Vietnam. His roommate. "You have the wrong room, girl." then he noticed. "Are you crying?" He looked a little embarrassed for being gruff.

"Bulgaria," a low voice came. "It's my sister."

"Oh," Bulgaria looked taken aback. "Oh, Japan, right? Ooh, sorry. I didn't, I should probably go, anyway." He went past me and down the hall. Vietnam looked down at me with his ever stern face and serious gaze, shielded by his rectangular glasses. He gently but firmly tugged me inside his room and into his light kitchen with windows facing west. A large cut watermelon sat right in the middle of the petite table, and a black bowl full of steaming hot Phở tái was on the counter. He picked the bowl up and started to eat with a pair of chopsticks. He looked at me, whom probably seemed pathetic next to him. He was still wearing his western style clothing, the white dress shirt and tight vest, common amongst the western European upper class. I would have though he would swap them for freer and more comfortable clothing by this time.

"So what's wrong?" He asked.

"What's wrong? Everything!" I nearly shouted. He didn't seem fazed at all.

"Like what?"

"Like my friend just yelled at me!" He adjusted his glasses, and kept on eating.

"Hmm, why didn't you yell back?"

"Uh, because it's not his fault! It's mine." I felt like digging a huge hole and sitting in it forever so that everyone would forget about me. Vietnam looked at me for a moment with his deep and knowing eyes and then away at the sky outside that was slowly becoming darker.

He went back to eating. Ugh. "Well, then. You should take responsibility for your faults." His indifference made me weak on my feet. I couldn't take it.

"Vietnam!" I cried, falling on the floor. He was unattached, but he wasn't cold. He set his bowl down and knelt next to me, rubbing my back and whispering to me comfortingly. I crawled into his tight embrace and sniffed.

"Japan...don't be so hard on yourself..." he whispered. "Where are North and South?"

"Vietnam, they were there when this all happened." I sobbed. "I'm so embarrassed and so scared. I just couldn't stay."

"It's okay," he picked me up and strolled out of the kitchen with me in one and his bowl in the other masterfully. "At least you came to me." I actually trusted Vietnam much more than my brothers, since he was older, more experienced, and I kind of shared a room with him most of my life. We went out on the balcony to watch the sun set. He set me down on a chair that had a red wool blanket on it and he leaned on the railing of the balcony, eating. "But I would like an explanation as to what happened."

"Alright." I sniffed again. "So I found out that...two of my friends a sort of relationship. One of them is a very secretive person who doesn't like his personal life shown. So then, of course, I didn't want all of this to be a large secret and I stupidly told South and North. They said they wanted to meet them and then North told them something about relationships and he just..." I mumbled quickly and broke down in tears again.

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