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-Mentions (child) abuse (neglect)
-Mentions death family member
-Mentions of what happened

George's POV

Clay and I got brought to our place and we got a call that the police would come to our place later to ask what happened with Clay. Clay just went upstairs to my room immediately and he laid down on my bed.

'I'm still tired.'

'I understand. I'll try and help you falling asleep, okay?'

Clay nodded slowly and I cuddled up with him, rubbing through his hair slowly. I started quietly talking to him as I made him comfortable and he had his eyes closed.

We laid like this for minutes, maybe even an hour and finally Clay started falling asleep. I was holding him tight against my body as he fell asleep and he woke up three hours later. I saw him looking at me and he smiled.

'You're so cute, you're the perfect person to wake up next to,' he giggled shyly.

I smiled and kissed his cheek. 'You're really handsome,' I said.

Clay smiled and he looked away shyly. 'I'm in love with you for so long now,' he giggled. 'George?'

I nodded and he sat up, pulling me up too. He grabbed my hand and smiled. 'George, do you want to be my boyfriend?'

'Still no regrets?' I asked to make sure.

'Not at all,' he giggled.

'Then yes, of course I want to be your boyfriend.'

'What are we supposed to do now?' Clay asked, giggling softly.

'Uh- kiss?'

Clay grinned as he pressed his lips on mine. We laid back down and kept kissing for minutes long, constantly breaking apart for air and kissing again.

We cuddled a long while after that and then my mum knocked on the door.


My mum opened the door and smiled at the sight of us cuddling with each other tightly. 'The police is here for Clay.'

We nodded and Clay and I stood up, I kissed his cheek and smiled at my mum. 'Mum?'

'Yes, sweetie?'

'We uh- are boyfriends now,' I said shyly, smiling at Clay. Clay grabbed my hand and held it tightly.

'Aww congrats, I'm so happy for you guys!'

'Thanks,' I said giggling a little.

We walked downstairs with our fingers locked and we sat down on the couch in front of the police.

'Hello, guys. Did you sleep a little, Clay?'

'I slept in the hospital and I fell asleep just a few hours ago too,' Clay smiled.

'Are you feeling a little better?'

Clay nodded. 'I guess, for as good as I can feel.'

'Can we ask you some things about your uncle and aunt?'

Clay nodded and I felt him squeezing my hands a little.

'Can I ask why you lived with them?'

'Uh- my parents died.'

'Okay, I'm sorry to hear that. How long have you lived with your uncle and aunt?'

'Two to three years.'

'Can you describe what they did to you?'

'At first it was bad, but not that bad. I got locked in my room all day, they starved me and rarely hit me. But uh- last week was really bad, I've been beaten up a lot, I have been threatened-.'


'I ran home after I got outed in school and uh- my uncle had grabbed my phone, checking through it constantly to see everything that happened. My classmate had posted a picture of me kissing with a boy and sent that in the school group chat. I guess my uncle saw that, he hit and hurt me and then grabbed a knife, holding it on my throat. I managed to escape after he broke my photo frame.'

'Photo frame?'

'He had hit me with a photo frame a few days ago, that's why I have all these cuts. And well, he stamped on it and broke it. It was a present of my dad years ago and I have always kept it safe because it was one of the few things I managed to save out of our burning house.'

'The doctor told us you were underweight, is this because of them?'

I nodded. 'I didn't get to eat and if I could I ate a lot at school, but I had to secretly bring money with me, which I wasn't allowed to. Well and as soon as they figured out I'm gay, he wanted to kill me. He kicked me out after I begged him to stop.'

'Thanks for being this open, Clay.'

'No problem, I guess,' Clay muttered and looked at me in sadness. 'I miss my parents.'

The police left to talk with my mum for a little and I hugged Clay tightly. 'I love you, Clay. I know that's it's extremely hard to lose your parents, I wish I could make it a little easier for you.'

'You are by being with me. George, can I ask you something? I'm a little ashamed asking it.'

'You can ask me anything and I find nothing weird at all.'

'Uh- can we uh- do you or uh- your mum maybe want to uh- paint my nails?'

I smiled brightly. 'Of course, what colour?'

'Uh- I wanted to be like you and paint them the rainbow colours, I don't want to hide myself anymore, I've hidden the real me for years now.'

'I'll ask my mum to paint both our nails rainbow colours,' I smiled, kissing his nose.

After the police had left an hour later, I stood up and walked to my mum. 'Mum, Clay and I want to paint our nails,' I said.

'Sure, do you need help?'

'Yeah, we want to paint it in the colours of the rainbow.'

'But they are colourblind,' Clay giggled.

'I am, don't you dare make fun of me,' I giggled.

'I still love you,' Clay grinned as he stood up to hug me from behind, kissing my cheek.

'I love you too,' I giggled, turning around.

'Hey, boys. Get a room you two or save this up for later.'

I giggled and gave Clay a short kiss. 'Fine, can you help us?'

'Sure, I'll come upstairs in a minute, maybe Clay can already get the right colours.'

'Sure,' Clay answered, walking upstairs with me.

1026 words

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