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-Death threats (knife)+kicked out
-Suicidal thoughts (mentions starvation)
-Mentions tantrum/panic attack (aggression)

Clay's POV

'Please let me go,' I whispered. 'I promise, I'll leave forever. I'm never coming back anymore, okay?'

'HOW MANY TIMES DID YOU KISS THAT GUY?' my uncle screamed at me.

'I don't know,' I whispered. 'A few times.'


'Around five to ten times,' I whispered, trying to hide how scared I was. I wanted to cry and scream, but I was paralysed because of my fear.


'We kissed yesterday for the first time, please let me go, please.'


'A few uh- years.'

'You know Clay? You aren't even worth going to jail for. You are worth to die, but I don't want to go to jail for someone's who is worth nothing.'

'O-okay, I'll leave.'

I grabbed the photo frame, my phone and the pictures George had printed. I stood up and ran away, hoping I could still turn my phone on. I kept running and running until I was so out of breath that I collapsed on the ground.

I was breathing heavily and I had to wait for a little to start running again. I just wanted to disappear forever, I would never go back to anyone anymore.

I suddenly thought back of George softly speaking to me, talking about the beach. I started walking a little slower and I walked to the beach, it was a long while away from my house and no one would find me here.

I sat down in the slightly cold sand and I looked at the setting sun. I smiled softly as I imagined George's voice speaking to me, as I imagined them holding my hand, rubbing their thumb over it.

How we locked eyes and both blushed a lot. How they started leaning in and how I felt their soft lips on mine. I imagined them being next to me, kissing their lips softly, laying down in the sand.

How we would both giggle and hold each other tightly, kissing meanwhile. It was a dream of mine, I really hoped it would have never passed, but I had to. I could never see them again, even though they were the love of my life. I at least had to feel their lips on mine a few times.

I noticed myself smile as soon as I thought about George and I laid down in the sand. I missed them, I really missed George. They always calmed me down, helping me whenever I needed someone to help me. I was so mentally unstable and I didn't know if I was going to be okay.

It was cold outside, the sun was setting and I was shaking a little because of the cold. I was extremely tired, but I couldn't sleep at all. I curled myself up like a ball, laying down in the sand. I had secretly hoped for someone to come and look for me, but no one did.

I had to be honest that I also kind of lost the way, I just ran into the beach sort of, but I didn't know the way back home. I couldn't even go home, I had no home anymore.

It took me a few more minutes before I bursted into tears. I was alone, I had no one and I pushed the only person I had away. I pushed away George, the boy I loved so much. I grabbed my phone and tried turning it on, it turned on but I saw I had only five percent battery. I decided to spent the time I had, looking at the pictures of George I had.

I scrolled through all of them, smiling slightly as I started sniffing even louder. They were so extremely beautiful and I was so sad that I would never see them again.

Hours kept passing, my phone had died already and I had cried for all these hours. I missed George, I was extremely scared about what happened to me and I had lost everything. I didn't have my room anymore, I didn't have a house and a bed. I had nothing.

I looked down at the broken photo frame I was holding and I started crying even harder. This was one of the only things I managed to save out of my burning house.

I cried and cried and cried until it was fully dark outside. To make everything even worse it also started raining, I started feeling extremely cold and I got scared by any sound I heard. I had a tantrum earlier and I hit my hand really hard in the sand.

I ended up having bruised hands again and I had cried so hard that I had been hyperventilating for a while. I was breaking completely, I wished I could be gay and accept myself, I wished I could be gay and get accepted. I wished I was straight and I fell in love with a girl, but I didn't. I had to fell in love with a boy and I had to be different again.

I looked at my nails, most nail polish was gone, but I could slightly see some left, it make me smile a little. It made me remember yesterday, how we laughed together and how we kissed passionately. How I felt like living again for that afternoon and the evening.

I could feel their lips on mine again, I could remember the taste of their lips, I could see us kissing in front of me completely again. I wished to do it again, I wished to kiss them again, but all hope was lost.

I would never see George again, I would never see anyone ever again. For my part it was just waiting for me to die now. I had no food, I didn't have anything to drink, I was extremely cold. It was just waiting now, waiting for me to die. Honestly the thought was comforting, I would love to have peace. It sounded so relaxing and nice.

1009 words

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