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-Mentions anything that happened
-Mentions hospital/police
-Mentions (child) abuse

Clay's POV

I looked at the police officers around me and I got lifted up. I was really in shock and I didn't know how to speak anymore and I noticed I was constantly repeating short words.

'Kill, die, scared.'

I felt police officers stare at me and someone walked to George, asking them why I was saying this. I heard them explain what happened shortly, even though they didn't know it too.

'Clay? Can you look at me?'

I really slowly looked up and I looked back down again. 'Tired.'

'How much did you sleep this week?'

'Four,' I whispered.

'Four hours?'

'Yes. Can't sleep, insomnia.'

'We are taking you to the hospital and we will give you something so you can fall asleep.'

'Sad, George. Come, George.'

'Do you want George to be with you?'

I nodded heavily and George walked towards me, wrapping their arm around my shoulders. 'Hi,' they said, kissing my cheek. 'I love you.'

'I love you too,' I said, resting my head against theirs. 'I'm so tired.'

'I understand,' George whispered, kissing my cheek again. 'I love you so much.'

'I love you more, I'm in love with you. You're beautiful.'

'You are beautiful,' George said, rubbing my neck softly. 'You're the most handsome person I have ever seen.'

'George, I want to ask you to be my boyfriend, but maybe it's not the right timing now.'

'Shall we discuss this after you are feeling a little better? I don't want you to regret anything.'

I nodded slowly. 'Okay, you reject me?'

'Absolutely not, if you would ask me to be your boyfriend, I would immediately say yes to you.'

I felt tears coming up in my eyes and I completely froze. 'Too tired,' I whispered.

My knees felt extremely weak and I collapsed on the ground. George sat down next to me and hugged me tightly. 'Look, Clay. Do you see the car? You have to go till there?'

I just was so exhausted and I shook my head, closing my eyes. I rested my head on George's shoulder and I hugged them. 'Sleep,' I said nodding to myself.

'Clay, just a few metres, you can do it.'


'We will lift him up,' one guy said.

I got carried to car and I sat down with George in the backseat. I clung onto them and wrapped my arms around their waist, resting my head on their chest. I closed my eyes and curled up.


I looked up at George and they smiled, kissing my lips softly. We kissed a while and broke apart for air, George rubbing my hair meanwhile.

'I am gay,' I muttered softly. 'I dare to say it when you're with me.'

'I'm so proud of you.'

'I am gay and that's how I am.'

'It is and I'm proud of you for daring to say that.'

'It feels weird saying that.' I opened my mouth shortly. 'Dry.'

'I think you're dehydrated.'

I nodded slowly and rested my head on their chest again.

Ten minutes later we came in the hospital and I got brought to a small room. Someone put a IV in my hand and gave me lots of water to drink.

'You have no medical issues, the hallucinations are because extreme lack of sleep and mental issues. We got told you have insomnia, so we are going to give you something so you can go and sleep for a little. We want you to stay here till you're a little less weak. You're also slightly underweight, does this have a reason?'

'Uncle and aunt didn't give me food,' I whispered. 'So tired.'

'We will also send you to a therapist and a doctor to give you some medicines for your ADHD, anger issues and insomnia if you want.'

I nodded slowly. 'Concentrate?'

'You might be able to concentrate better. I gave you some medicine through your IV, so you might fall asleep really soon now.'

I nodded slowly and felt the substance flowing through my veins. It took me just twenty minutes to fall in a deep and long sleep.

I woke up literally hours later and the sun had already risen. It was close to noon and I looked to my side. George was sitting in a chair, their chin was resting against their chest and they were almost falling forwards because they fell asleep in the chair.

I smiled because of how cute they looked. George was sitting pretty close to me so I reached out my hand to make them sit straight up again.

George slept for half an hour longer and they woke up, smiling at me. They stood up and grabbed my hand. 'Clay! How are you?'

'Better, still a bit tired.'

'I understand, you really didn't sleep at all for days. That's really unhealthy.'

'I'm scared.'

'For what are you scared?'

'I don't know where I go after the hospital.'

'You're coming with me. My mum made you a spot at home already.'

'Can I sleep next to you?'

'Of course.'

'Can you help me fall asleep again? Like you did last time?'

George nodded heavily. 'Of course I will. As soon as we get home, you're going to sleep again, okay?'

I nodded and looked at a doctor coming in. He smiled at us holding hands and looked at me.

'You're allowed to go home, Clay. We have a prescription for sleeping medication, which you can get at the pharmacy this afternoon.'

'My mum will get it for you,' George said smiling. 'So you can sleep tonight.'

I nodded slowly and I looked them in their eyes as soon as the doctor walked away. 'Kiss?'

George smiled slightly and I saw a cute blush filling their cheeks. They grabbed my hand tightly and they pressed their lips on mine, kissing me with passion. They let go of me after we ran out of breath and I could see them smile.

'I love you a lot, Clay.' I saw them checking their phone. 'My mum is here, we can go home.'

'I love you too.'

1017 words

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