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-Mentions abuse and homophobia

George's POV

After school I went home quick. I always left as soon as possible because I didn't want to get beaten up again. I cycled home and opened the door. My mum was sitting on the couch and she smiled at me.

'Hey, sweetie. Oh no, what happened this time?' She was looking at my cheek and my hand.

'Just got hit again, I guess.'

'Sweetie, come here,' my mum said. She opened her arms and kissed my cheek as soon as I hugged her back. 'You're perfect the way you are George. I have a surprise for you.'

'Really?' I asked, looking at her.

'Come with me,' my mum said. She grabbed my hand and we walked to the bathroom. She grabbed a small bag. 'Look, I bought you some more nail polish, because you like it so much.'

'Aww, thank you so much,' I giggled shyly.

'What colour are you painting your nails this time?' my mum asked.

'I have always wanted to paint them in the colours of the rainbow, but I'm colourblind.'

'I'll help you, sweetie. Come to your room and I'll paint your nails.'

I smiled brightly and grabbed some nail polish remover to get away the black nail polish I was wearing.

'I'm actually proud of you, George. It takes so much strength to go to school with nail polish in the colours of the rainbow while being a boy and while you get bullied this often.'

'This is the way I am, they can't change me and they will not change me. I love nail polish and I love the rainbow.'

My mum rubbed through my hair and started of painting the nail of my thumb red. She continued and after ten minutes I had rainbow nails. I let it dry for a little and my mum made a photo of it. I sent it to my friend, Niki.


come over and ill let my mum paint ur nails too


im a colourblind bitch

im literally coming now, we r gonna show people that we dont care about them. im with u dude, if u paint ur nails like that, ill too


It took Niki ten minutes to arrive here and she looked at my nails. 'I love it, oh my gosh. George, this is epic.'

I giggled because of her enthusiasm and my mum started painting her nails too.

'George, I'm literally so proud of you,' Niki said. 'You're literally so strong by just going to school with rainbow nail polish, it should be normal to be a boy and wear it.'

'They are really strong,' my mum said about me.

'They are,' Niki nodded and she hugged me tightly. 'Who cares if you like boys or girls, you're the strongest person I have ever seen.'

'I'm pretty gay.'

'And I love it,' Niki giggled.

Niki didn't have that many friends either. She was always seen as a little nerdy, she wore glasses, she loved reading books and she was really smart. Since literally everyone in our school thought judging was the right option in life, they also always judged her.

Niki also learnt not to care. She had a difficult past, she got bullied really badly. She struggled with an eating disorder for four years, but two years ago she decided to fully go for recovery and she was way happier again. She didn't care about her body that much anymore and she definitely didn't care about other's opinions.

Niki looked at my nails again and smiled. 'You really make me so proud,' she said again. 'It's so epic to have a friend like you.'

'Do you actually like it?'

'I do a lot. You're actually so strong.'

I smiled a little and my mum smiled too. 'You indeed are, George.'

'I just don't care showing everyone that I'm gay. I am gay and I will forever be, I can better accept myself and be who I want.'

Niki nodded heavily. 'Totally agree with you. George?'

I nodded and looked at her. 'What's up?'

'I have a confession to make.'

'Sure,' I said, nodding.

'I uh- I think I'm bisexual.'

'Oh my gosh, REALLY?' I yelled, hugging her.

'Yep. I really like guys and such, but I kind of fell in love with a girl.'


'I'm not telling you, you will bully me,' she giggled.

'I'll tell you the guy I like then,' I said, smiling. 'I mean, I'm not really in love, but he's really attractive,' I giggled.

'Fine, I kind of like Laura.'

'Oh my goodness, is that the girl with the long brown hair and the dark brown eyes?'

Niki nodded shyly and giggled. 'Don't tell anyone though.'

'As if I have so many people to tell that to.'

'Now, who is the attractive boy?'

'I'm just an idiot, falling for the same guy as literally every girl does, but fine. It's Clay. Don't judge me now, he's just really handsome and I guess I'm not that much different than all the girls,' I giggled. 'He's just a bit of a bully, but I think something is wrong.'

'Did he hit you today?'

'Yeah,' I answered Niki. 'He has done it more.'

'Well, I'm not letting that arsehole be your boyfriend then,' Niki grinned.

'He calls me a faggot all day, so he's either closeted as hell or just a homophobic bastard.'

'What do you like about him?'

'I'm just a fangirl, falling for the hottest guy of the school,' I giggled. 'I'm not in love with him though, he's just attractive and if he wasn't such a dick, I would probably ask him to hang out once or something.'

'Shall I asked out Laura?'

'Yes, why not?'

'I don't think she likes girls to be fair.'

'You don't know that until you have asked her.'

'I might.'

I giggled. 'I can at least know for sure I will never get Clay,' I said sighing a little. 'I never met someone that homophobic as he is.'

'Maybe he's just closeted.'

I shrugged, I was happy like this.

1028 words

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