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"Shit, who are you?"
"I'm scrapper 142, who are you?"
"I'm y/n."

"I think I've heard about you. Do you know a Loki by any chance?"
"Yeah he's my boyfriend."
She offered you her hand and lifted you up off the floor.
You looked around and saw a magnificent city surrounded my rubbish and portals.
"Sakaar as in the edge of the realms."
"Yeah, thats the one. How did you know?"

"I read a book about it on a place called Asgard."
Her eyes snapped up to meet yours and she grabbed a bottle of beer out of her bag.
"You want one."
"No thanks."
"Suit yourself." She chugged half the bottle and wiped her mouth

"How do you know Loki, is he alright?"
"Yeah he's fine, living his best life maybe. He's with the grandmaster, he's been here for two weeks I think. Its a miracle he got this close to the grandmaster on such short notice. He was real mess when he got here though."
"He has his tricks. How soon can I get to him?"
"In about 10 minutes, you need to come with me."

You nodded and followed her to a ship. You sat in the passenger seat and let her fly you towards the middle of the city where a stadium roared alive with people. You peered over the side of the ship to find that the stadium was decorated green and two figures stood in the middle. Scrapper 142 got the ship closer and you could see Thor and hulk in the stadium.
"I know them, shit. This isn't going to end well. I need to get to Loki."
"He's over there." She pointed to a glass room over standing the stadium. You jumped out of the ship and landed on the top of the stadium. You ran to the glass box and found a door on the side, you slid down the side of the stadium and went in through a small window.

You were now standing outside the room were two guards were just talking.
"Excuse me boys, I need to go in there."
"Do you have authorisation from the grandmaster?"
"No, but I know two of his friends. Loki and scrapper 142."
They looked you up and down before letting you go in. The room was hot and crowded. In front of the glass was a long sofa.
You walked up to it and saw Loki and an older guy sitting on the other side of the sofa.

Loki was cringing at something that was happening in the stadium while the other guy was clapping rhythmically.
"Y/n? Wait are you actually here?"
"Yeah, whats going on?"
"Loki, who's this?" The other guy asked a bit protectively.
"This is my umm, friend. I need to talk to her really quickly."
"Alright, dont be too long or you will miss the fight, love."

Loki went wide eyed and nodded before dragging you to the corner of the room.
"Why did you think I was dead and why did he call you love and why did you call me a friend?"
"Well not all people can survive being thrown out of the bifrost and I got here alone so I assumed you were dead. I'm so glad your alive, darling."
He hugged you tightly and locked his arms around your waist, resting his head in the crook of your neck.

"Loki, you have more questions to answer." You patted him on the back.
"The grandmaster, he calls everyone love and the only reason I got close with him is because I thought you were dead."
Something in his voice didn't seem right, but you chose to ignore it.
"I like what your wearing, it's definitely different."
"Thanks. I guess."

"Loki, whats wrong?"
"Nothing, my dear. The fight, there is no way we can stop it so we just have to hope that no one gets killed."
"Ok, but I cant watch."
"Me neither. Let's get out of here."

He gently took your hand and led you past the guards and down different corridors. It's definitely baffling how he can memorise all different kinds of maze like buildings. He got to a tall door and put in a code before the door opening. A dark bedroom came into view, it was twice the size of Loki's room on Asgard. Is that why he stayed, because he felt more loved here? Or because he was fucking the grandmaster? You laughed at the thought, resorting in a strange look from Loki.
"I know its probably not the most important thing right now, but I developed a new power."

"What is it darling?" He looked lovingly into your eyes, memorising your iris.
"I can read minds. I think my powers are more of an energy thing, so I can pick up different energies. So like if I focus on the energy in your mind I can tell that your thinking about... Frigga."
He face erupted into a soft, small smile and his snowy cheeks turned a bright rose.

"You miss her, I miss her too. Lokes, I undoubtedly believe she is proud of you, I am too."
"I-I, y/n, thank you, for just everything. You are everything I could've dreamed of."
You both giggled slightly, Loki put his finger under your chin and raised your head up to his. He softly kissed you, making you feel warm all over excepts for his cold lips. You stumbled back, a bit dazed from all the adrenaline and your eyes lids fluttered slightly while you tried to re-direct your gaze to Loki.

"Fucking hell, that was good."
"Well I hadn't seen you in weeks and I did think you were dead, so I was a bit desperate." His soft laugh accompanied his words.
"Well, maybe I should leave you alone a little more."
"You tease."
"Thanks babes."

There was a knock at the door and a guard came in and stated that the fight was over before quickly leaving.
"We got some time to kill before Thor will regain consciousness, what do you want to do?" You asked Loki.
"So many things." He sighed, looking you up and down.
You smiled and swayed your hips slightly.
"We could just talk." You said ruffling his raven hair.
He rolled his eyes and shook his head before sitting you down on his bed.

"What about then?"
"Lasagne is basically pasta and bolognese pie."
"I don't think so. Wait it kind of is. If this is what goes on in your head, I like it." He dropped back onto the bed, you laid next to him, staring at the ceiling.
"Sap is tree juice."
"I guess, Cheerios are mini bagels."
"Milk is cereal sauce."

You both burst into laughter, you hugged your stomach from the aching of your giggles and rolled onto your side to face Loki. Everything seemed like it was moving in slow motion: Loki's laughter, your beating heart, breathing. Its kind of cliche how perfect moments seem to pause exactly where you want them. But thats all this was, a moment.
And the beauty of it would soon fade.

A/n: I hope you liked this chapter, sorry its taken me a while to update, I have been really bust with school and laying in bed all day :)

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