Party crasher

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A/n: hi, from now on I am going to space out my chapters a bit more because I am going back to school soon. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter.
"Dark elves, they're at the palace." Loki said.
"How do you know?"
"I-i don't know, its just.."
"A gut feeling. Yeah okay lets go back."

You got out of the water and Loki changed you into your suit and Loki in his armour, while teleporting you to the palace. Screams attacked your ears as you ran to the ballroom. When you got their, people were running away from the dark elves, there were guards' bodies scattered across the floor.

You gave Loki a quick glance to see that his eyes were wide with panic. You traced his eyes to see what he was looking at. You saw Thor with mjolnir at his feet and Frigga laying lifeless on the floor. You rushed over to her body and concentrated your energy into getting her heart pumping.

A groan escaped her lips.
"Thor get her to the medical wing and evacuate the guests. Now." He picked up Frigga and carried her out of the room. Dark elves spilled into the room.
"Loki, she's going to be okay but right now we need to sort this lot out, ok."
He gave you a small nod and summoned two daggers.

You concentrated on the energy around you. Mjolnir lifted off the floor and came to your hand. You looked at it confused, does this mean your worthy. Or is it just the universe giving you help for a brief moment. You looked up at Loki who was too busy fighting to realise anything was wrong. You threw mjolnir in the air and caught it in your other hand before smashing it into four dark elves. You got a ball of energy ready and concentrated it onto a few dark elves around you.

You threw mjolnir into a dark elf that was heading for Loki. One came up behind you and held a dagger to your throat.
"Y/n. Let her go."
"Don't worry love, I've got this." You knocked your head back into the person behind you, hitting them in the nose. They stumbled back and you kicked them in the stomach.

"Impressive my love."
"Just you wait."
You summoned mjolnir and hit it to the ground, knocking all the elves out.
"You can lift mjolnir."

"Yeah I guess I can. Its probably just a one time thing though right?"
"I don't think so, you are pretty powerful. And gorgeous of course."
"Are you flirting with me in the middle of this?"
"Always darling." He winked.

"I think that's all of them, I will send some guards to clean this mess up, you get to Frigga." You nodded towards the door.
"Ill see you soon my love." He winked and rushed  out of the room.

You scanned the room and saw all the dismembered bodies laying precariously on the white marble floor. A strange feeling pooled in your stomach. You decided to ignore it find someone to help you clean up this mess. You walked down a couple hallways before finding two guards standing parallel to a pillar.

"Hey, there was a thing that happened in the ballroom, could you come help me?"
"We would love to help you." One of them said looking you up and down with a smirk on his.
"Okay, i'll find some others to help." You said quickly turning around.

"Where do you think your going sweet heart?" One of them grabbed your wrist and pinned you against the wall. You let out a sigh and closed your eyes. He placed a hand on your waist and pulled his body into yours.

"You're going to regret that." You opened you eyes and looked into his cold ones.
"Oh darling I don't think I will." He placed a cuff on your wrist.
"Odin makes us carry these around in case Loki goes on a rampage again. If they are made to make a god powerless, I can only imagine what they will to you." The other guy said.

He put his whole body on yours, pinning down every part of you with his body.
He kissed you, pressing his lips roughly on yours. You returned the kiss before quickly biting down hard on his lip. He jumped back and yelled in pain. You kicked him hard in the groin and punched the other one in the nose.
You reached and got the keys for the cuff out of his pocket and took the cuff off.

"How's that for a little action." You spat at them before making your way to the medical wing. The medical wing was filled with guards from the dark elf attack.

You felt filthy from that guard but you had to find Frigga.
After walking around aimlessly for a couple minutes you bumped into Loki.
"Hey, why are you crying?" He asked you, his voice soft.
You hadn't even noticed you had been crying.

"Umm just worried about Frigga." It wasn't exactly a lie.
"She fine, thanks to you. How did you do it?"
"I don't know I just concentrated on seeing her alive and then she was."

"Ok. Well she's resting now. Odin says he wants to speak with you. Don't bring up dinner unless he does. If he does just reply blankly okay. He's in the throne room. I love you."
"I love you too, ill see you later."

You gave him a quick hug and ran off to find Odin.

Loki x reader ( slow burn)Where stories live. Discover now